
Hmmm, I thought her keeping Pratt and the other employees at arms length was definitely a big part of it. While they definitely did the “needs kids” thing I think it was part of a “need humans” thing exactly as you describe. In fact at the end I wouldn’t say she definitely heads off to have kids, but I do think she

People getting offended by random stuff is pretty much the mantra of the twenty-teens.

“It was just dumb summer fun!” is the worst defense of anything ever. Tons of movies are summer blockbusters without being dumb or cheesy or poorly written.

Yeah, it’s not great. “It was fun” is usually something people say about a dumb, bad movie with pretty effects scenes in it. Unless it has an 80’s-or-earlier cheese factor to it, I don’t usually agree with that kind of fun.

Clicks. Advertising revenue.

I haven’t played a game in 6 months and very sparingly play them the last few years, but this one is really tempting. Was a huge Deus Ex and Thief fan back in the day. Love cyberpunk and stealth. Might have to hook the desktop back up and try this out. Thanks for showing it!

They do? Pretty sure they wear sandals, flats and sneaks more often than heels, generally.

I like all three, and love Rises, so I guess I am your polar opposite.

I don’t really remember my one viewing of the mediocre Thor movie well enough to debate this, honestly. I just mean in general, people are going to root for Cap in Civil War because “FREEDOM!” but in real life people who are naturally that powerful or who can cause that much damage would be watched and regulated by

I feel like a lot of people see any kind of government restriction or supervision as a bad thing in movies, even though in real life we would all DEFINITELY want superheroes who can create lightning or blow up a small town regulated.

I would honestly take Spider-Man 3 ten times over before either ASM movie. I think Spider-Man 3 is over-hated quite a bit. It has issues, but is decent flick. ASMs were just embarrassing IMO.

You have a different definition of “sane,” “extreme” and “relatively common” than I do! ;)

It looks so perfectly crafted in a boardroom to appeal to women. Gender-focused entertainment is pretty normal though, and I think fine, it’s just funny how focus-group designed it felt. I’m not offended by it, just have no desire to watch it.

Most overrated sci-fi show ever.

That’s a movie that should be shorter by about 2 minutes, rather than longer. The birth of the proto-alien is so silly.

“Stop being idiots, humanity!” was basically it. I thought it ended properly. The scene after that would have just been the workers going home. I could have gone for a newscast over the credits talking about the events though.

I get he was going for the ending being “Spider-Man is back!” but he just didn’t earn it. The guy was retired for like 90 seconds of screen time.

In my head-canon that is the end of the story. He flies off, shows everyone a better world, and the machines fail.

He built up to that ending all season. “You never see it coming.” I thought it was perfect.

Best 5 minutes of a bad movie ever.