
I like it. *shrug*

It’s kind of all opinion really. I think Marvel often cross the line into campy silliness. That’s just my opinion. I still like most of their films though, and love 3-4 of them. I wouldn’t want them to change, but I also wouldn’t want DC to change. Difference is good.

I think every Marvel movie has a consistent, whimsical tone. I don’t think they vary it nearly as much as what you are implying. Maybe with Daredevil, but the TV stuff is run by different people from what I read.

I liked Man of Steel. A lot of people did. Even Marvel’s biggest journalist fanboy Devin Faraci actually liked Man of Steel when he reviewed it, if you go back and read it. It’s only over time because of loud internet complaints that the movie has obtained this reputation for being hated. It’s not.

The Pa Kent death was terrible, yes. That was a flaw. I also didn’t like the bevy of product placement, and the end battle went on too long with tone shifts. Those would be my big flaws. I didn’t mind the population center fight... most of these types of films do that, it’s iconic. Also people misinterpret Pa Kent’s

It worked fine in Man of Steel for me. That movie had flaws but the tone and look were not among them for me at all. Whether it will work for the rest I don’t know yet, no one does.

Some of us like “grimdark.” Quite a lot of us, judging by box office for Nolan’s Batman.

Loved it. So tired of the negativity about the DC stuff. Love their style.

And they made it the DVD/BD cover! Insanity.

He didn't write all of them, so...

Oh I hadn't read those before. Wowzers.

They shouldn't be done with them, casual audiences (like myself) have no idea who Captain Marvel, Doctor Strange and Black Panther are. Nooooo idea.

Jesus comics are embarrassing.

Sending dirty pics to your boyfriend doesn't really imply promiscuity to me. Also promiscuity doesn't really mean you'd whore yourself out for a job.

I applaud you Anna for covering this story so well after your embarrassing posts about it early on. I think it’s great you’re confronting the tendency that led you to do that and examine this story as a whole now. No bullshit.

The nature of the crime makes it very hard to prove. It’s a horrible situation for everyone involved every time, that’s why so much drama (fictional and not) always exists around it. I hate the way it always works but at the same time I don’t see how to improve it legally. Accusation cannot imply guilt. It is what it

For like a decade I drank sweet tea everyday and all day. It was pretty bad. That shit can be just as addictive as soda (which I thankfully I guess never drank). A few years ago I switched to water at home and only getting tea or lemonade when I go out to eat. Made me feel ten times better, lost weight, less fatigued.

Well I just disagree. Judging by my movie forums, a lot of people disagree. Which is cool. We don't have to have the same opinions. You can't deny they're classics though, generally highly regarded and beloved.

Have owned them on VHS, DVD and now Blu Ray. Have watched them literally dozens of times. They're brilliant films.

I liked IM3 as a cute little Shane Black movie, but I don't think it's a very good superhero movie. Maybe at some point the genre doesn't matter though. It's a good film, and a lot better than IM2, which I think was legitimately bad.