
I don't think most film viewers care about that stuff honestly, his powers and whatnot. Same for Batman '89's differences from the comics, as pointed out elsewhere in this article's comments. At the end of the day people go to the movies to see good movies, and Superman was a great freaking movie, almost universally

The movie is intensely realistic until the last 20 minutes or so, which I believe was half the point, to sell that last 20 minutes.

They constantly mention that resources was a factor and they could only do limited missions, so that's that. The rest comes down to hope. He wanted to give people hope the people on Earth could be saved, even if secretly he didn't think they could and thought of the launch as their last ditch effort.

Well we just have different taste. Nothing wrong with that. The Joker stuff in TDK is kind of overhyped now to the point I don't want to watch it anymore, but I think all three of those movies are bloody brilliant. The two Burton films are fantastic gothic fairy tales, I don't really care about their faithfulness to

It bums me out that movies can't be philosophical or unrealistic anymore without internet hoards swooping in to nit-pick them for it. Interstellar has a message about love letting people find one another in the fifth dimension, yes. Is that some horrible thing now? Are we not allowed to have uplifting messages like

Plan B was the only real plan. It was still a good plan for preserving humanity, and the mission made sense as a Plan B mission. Not sure what you're talking about honestly.

Being 16 and ignoring the past is a hell of a blind-spot.

Yep. When people act like Marvel has a 100% success rate I am honestly baffled. Iron Man 2, Iron Man 3, Thor, Thor The Dark World, Incredible Hulk and even Avengers are all very flawed films to various extents. Granted on Avengers I am in the minority thinking that, because I hate Whedon dialog, but the rest are

Wait... better than Superman and Superman 2? Better than Batman '89 and Batman Returns? Better than The Dark Knight Trilogy? Iron Man 3? Really?

I loved The Dark Knight trilogy and Man of Steel was pretty good, just had some flaws. I don't want them to be like Marvel films in style at all, I just want them to be better than Man of Steel on execution.

It's super weird, isn't it? I can only assume it's the typical human desire to join a team and be part of a group. People want to be Marvel fans right now and shit on everything else. It's amusing to me, and box office numbers for MoS and TDK stuff show it's only internet warriors who are doing it, so it matters

Is this some kind of alternate universe? Superman and Superman 2 are insanely high regarded films. Superman was the best comic book film of all time until the recent craze started, by far. Its only real flaw is the silly ending solution.

I think the show kind of hinted both ways, depending on the writer. TV back then had issues with that more than it does today. There are definitely hints here and there, but you're right that there are also strong hints Mulder is practically asexual when it comes to the physical act. It's kind of all over the place.

It was so long ago it's not like I have a link. Him talking about what they did when the elevator door closed might be on the season three bonus features, but I know he mentioned it elsewhere too.

It's funny that in an age where dang near every show not on CBS is serialized most people agree the best X-Files was the mini-movie type episodes and that's what people want from the new mini-series.

Agree on the first bit. All of season nine is terrible for me, I wish they would just erase it from continuity.

I feel like setting episode one in 2012 and showing how that all worked out would be smart. Then they could jump to present day for the rest of it.

I think "once off screen" is your interpretation. Carter has said repeatedly there are hints as early as season two that they were doing it off screen for practically the entire show, and that you can think that way if you like. Just because it was only explicitly shown once doesn't mean it only happened once.

Bringing people back from the dead is exactly what they should NOT do, in my opinion. More media need to let characters die.

I want to see them pick up from season eight's ending and pretend season nine and the second movie never happened.