
This isn't a reboot and Krycek is dead. Same for CSM.

While that's usually silly fan stuff I do hope they bring back Susan or Romana someday. It could make for a powerful story.

Funny thing is a ton of women find that kind of thing super hot. (Not that I think it should be an album cover).

Uh, Zod killed those people. Intentionally. And said his goal was to do so. Not much else you can do about that but try and stop him and eventually put him down. (You ending whiners never cease to amaze me).

I really liked season three a lot. I get that it's more action focused and serialized than normal Trek, but I still liked it as a sci-fi war story type thing. Also I don't think the first two seasons was any worse than Voyager.

Was gonna post this myself. I actually really liked season 3 as well, so it got better halfway through I guess, but season 4 was even better and the show had so much promise at that point. It's a shame viewers never gave it a second chance when it got good, the ratings numbers kept falling.

Not mocking your choice, obviously a ton of people agree. I'll never get the love for this show though, it was thoroughly average for me.

Yeah, I don't agree with all of Rob's points here. I see no sexual connotations at all for example. However the cover is bad in that it shows her in a weaker light than male superheroes would be shown. This tweak fixes that completely, and now it's an awesome cover.

You say this like it's a bad thing.

You say this like it's a bad thing.

I don't play video games much anymore but I am still haunted by the early Final Fantasy games (early meaning the first 9 or so, oddly enough). The music especially still plays in my head at random times, and the stirring art styles of all the games is something that still flavors my taste today.

As someone who likes your writing but doesn't play video games anymore I welcome more articles like this please.

It had one of the most graphic sex scenes I've seen in an R rated film since the 80's, so I'd say it had the "gratuitous nudity" at least.

I hope it means Latino Review and the rest have no idea what they're talking about. That would be great.

Fair enough clarification, Sir or Madam.

There's really nothing wrong with gender-focused entertainment. There are whole channels of it all over my cable box and novels, music and whatnot. It goes on and on and its successful for a reason. People often enjoy it. As long as there are alternatives I don't understand why people complain about it.

I think they just want both to exist in a massive new money-quilt of franchise possibility, rather than kneecapping anything. No studio intentionally screws with the profit potential of a movie.

Seriously, they're cute 80's movies I love but I really don't see FRANCHISE in it.

I think they just want a franchise and don't think gender-focused entertainment is inherently bad (which it isn't). That said the timing is very poor and makes it look like a correction of some kind, which I doubt was the intent.

Nothing wrong with gender-targeted entertainment, as long as alternatives exist. That said I have no enthusiasm for either GB reboot. It's an 80's Bill Murray thing to me, not a franchise.