
This exactly. Ruffalo is a very Whedon-esque monster, like Angel and many others. Very happy and carefree in general action despite supposedly being this tortured creature. Norton was a much better actor for the role.

Yep. Both Hulk movies were good IMO.

Yeah, I was gonna post this. Money earnings aside the existing MCU Hulk movie is great and better than several other MCU movies. I don't get why people act like it's the black sheep of the series. I get why Marvel are scared of its box office repeating, but not why viewers act like it was a bad film.

Mine does this weird ninja hop toward me with his paws flailing when he wants to play. Cracks me up every time.

Excellent, informative article that shines a light on the problem without being overly dramatic or manipulative. Thank you for writing it.

Sequels are like any movie... some good, some bad. Some forced, some not. I've never really understood considering them as a whole to be a bad or good thing. Make a great movie and people will pay to see it, end of story. If it's a sequel then cool, if not then cool. Wait for a good idea and make a good movie.

"Grimdark," as some people label it, definitely has worked many, many times in the past. It's a totally viable avenue that Avengers fans need to swallow. It's enjoyed by millions and isn't going away.

I played it day one on PC and then for 70-ish hours and I never really had a problem. The controls had some weird choices but overall it played like an console port.

As a 90's teen I have to call foul on disliking something because of "90s-ness" but liking something because it's modern. Modern stuff sucks! :p

You might like the show, but you'll never have good taste.

Interesting, other sites I go to (like A.V. Club) pretty much said this is a D.O.A. piece of garbage. Nice to hear a different view on it, but despite it being very positive overall the description given makes it sound less exciting to me.

This is a lovely little essay! Thanks for writing it. As a big Trek fan and Janeway fan it was lovely to read about your experience. It's a shame Voyager didn't have much going for it other than Janeway, she deserved better.

I don't think there's a real need for conspiracy theories, honestly. The consensus seems to be that Selma ain't no 12 Years a Slave, so it being nominated for Best Picture is a pretty good score for the team. It's a good film, but does any one performance stand out? Eh...

Underrated satire classic IMO.

Wow, not only going after Gone Girl but Fincher in total. You're the anti-me.

The real answer is that they remake these expecting the famous branding to mean more ticket sales. It's all about the Benjamins, as a great poet once said. Though I don't think this really works as well as the studios think it does.

I tend to prefer movies and rarely watch TV shows, but Penny Dreadful was amazing in season one. Really loved it and can't wait for this.

Twelve Monkeys could be amazing but I still would probably never watch it because all I can imagine it being is a more drawn-out and less interesting version of the Gilliam film.

Marvel fanboys on a movie comment thread, what a shocker.

Yep. It would be hard to find a bigger fan of the Burton and Nolan films than myself, but the wife and I watched the pilot and not a single episode more. Horrible writing all around.