
Will never understand people who freak out about black bars. OAR or bust.

Maybe it's because I'm not a comic book guy, only a movie guy, but I much preferred Maguire. I don't get this sudden "oh no Garfield is awesome" sentiment spreading around everywhere. I mean... he's okay I guess, if you want that Dawson's Creek style Spider-Man movie.

Or they simply could have done a soft reboot with a new cast but which kept the Maguire continuity. James Bond did it for almost 50 years, I think Spider-Man would have been okay.

Yeah. While I like the idea of an interconnected MCU I also like the idea of a pretty Guardians trilogy on my shelf that requires no other films or cameos elsewhere to feel complete. I think the Marvel films need to stand alone to a large extent (and they mostly have, with exceptions).

I get the appeal of diversity, but with the films there's no real need to try out different characters because you're not going to overdose on Peter Parker. There are still tons of Peter Parker stories to tell.

Just honor the Raimi trilogy continuity Marvel! You know you want to! Late 20's Spider-Man with wife Mary Jane versus Kraven the Hunter DO ITTTTTTTTTTTT.

If he can be any gender and any race then 13 white dudes in a row is way too much coincidence, even with "clusters" within randomness.

Not mocking you or anything, but I really don't understand why people enjoy this stuff in these games. The cinematics and storytelling are really, really poor compared to even a mediocre soap opera series or film. Games should be about gameplay, not awkward polygon romance. Maybe that's just me. /shrug

I hate the white-washing here too, but I think you use the "racist" term a bit too easily here, like most of the internet does now-a-days. Scott was speaking about unfortunate business realities, and in a rather useful, blunt manner. If anyone is racist it is the studio heads and financiers who Scott needed to please

For all the 9/10 reviews, game of the year awards and whatever else, Inquisition is really a crappy game compared to Skyrim.

That's... actually a pretty good example.

Most of what was wrong with that movie was in peoples' heads.

I think both First Contact and Insurrection are pretty visually pleasing, actually. Nice angles, good framing, and in both cases the space battles looked amazing (though not sure how much he had to do with that).

I honestly can't think of any movie that a director made great from a bad script. Do you have an example?

Yes! Thank you.

Couldn't disagree more, very fun action-trek, which is what most of the movies are. I even like Insurrection a lot. The typical complaint is "it feels like an episode of the show!" Well, I liked the show a lot, that's why I saw the movie, so...

Just watched this episode the other day on blu ray. Was amazed that not only does Riker bang that Irish girl pretty much right after meeting her, but the same Irish girl is thrilled later in the episode at the prospect of having multiple husbands. Kind of crazy for an 80's show.

Deep Breath pretty much said that, that he subconsciously picked that face to tell himself something. The anniversary special said much the same thing, that he was young on purpose after the Time War due to guilt or whatever.

It's not just about "having internet" it's about having to connect to their servers every time you want to play. Servers that might go down, that will definitely shut down someday, and which limit the game's functionality and length of existence.

You do realize of course it isn't about "the internet" and actually about connecting to their servers, which might not be reliable and will definitely shut down eventually. Always online anything is a dangerous road to travel for preservation of media.