
Yeah. I'm a PC only gamer so in this case it matters not at all to me personally, but all exclusives are annoying and all 3rd party exclusives are REALLY annoying. No one should ever defend it in my opinion.

Dragon Age Inquisition's super repetitive and lame MMO style quests are already causing a backlash against the game from RPG fans. That backlash is only going to grow. Eventually it will be like Oblivion, a game called a classic when it came out but now remembered as pretty weak.

I didn't know this had a backlash. Still a great movie, I just watched the blu ray again a month or so ago. Holds up remarkably well.

Great example. All three movies are brilliant IMO, and it's weird to see so many hate on this film (or even the whole trilogy now).

I wish I liked these movies more than I do. I want to like them. I like fantasy settings. Something about the style he did these in though, the slow tracking shots and cheesy sentimentality, just irks me. I can't get into them.

I dislike Avatar because I'm not a fan of CGI being used when practical effects could have been. CGI should be reserved for the impossible, IMO. So Avatar is kind of the poster-girl for "LOOK AT ALL THIS CGI" and therefore I dislike it on principle.

It's funny how vaguely British accent makes everyone in America think it's Cumberbatch. It could be almost anyone, and is post-processed either way.

Yeah I agree. I am mostly a film guy too, so when I see shooters try to make their cutscenes into movies it's just grating. However something like Fallout: New Vegas setting me down in a world I can mess with and create my own stories in? That's great.

He's right and wrong. Games should not be a place for cinematic storytelling, which is where so many games fail. Games however can be a powerful and unique storytelling medium in other ways, for example playing different factions and their morality against each other in an RPG, or the wonderful visual and abstract

Well, yeah... I'm complaining about it... "Jesus this is an MMO without the other people WTF"... etc.

Am I the only one who played 10 hours and then got a refund? This game is an offline MMO like Kingdoms of Amalur, not a tactical singleplayer RPG like the first two were. Every single quest is a boring slog. I couldn't take it anymore.

It actually is an MMO in every way possible without being multiplayer.

I was a big fan of most of the Matt Smith years but something this series just made me feel like Moffat lost the plot.

Like pretty much all of season 8 I feel like I SHOULD have liked this a lot more than I did. I like the themes, I loved the new Master, I loved the creepy look to a lot of it, I like the UNIT characters, etc. etc.

I'm a sociologist, I know this stuff. They're rooted in the same thing, but still separate complaints. That's why I said "balance out the complaints."

Well that's what I meant, let's balance out the sexism complaints. It's unfortunate that both exist.

Nostalgia shouldn't be used just as a blatant grab for attention or money, but it can be used effectively. The Master is a great character who is the Doctor's only real foil from his own race, and the Moriarty to his Watson. That's a worthwhile dynamic to bring back, and any character made to be just like that but not

As a counter-balance to the header image, I hate all the lazily written "mean husbands" I see on my wife's Lifetime movies. They like football! They work hard at the office! They're obsessed with sex! They tell you how fat you are with tact! They slap you when you complain! Then they beg for you to stay (then slap you

I want to know where ghosts come from if there is no afterlife. That's the confusing part of these results to me.

I believe the vast majority of Americans are at least agnostic, but they fake it because there is still such societal pressure to be a believer. Also, in the South especially, it's such a part of their culture they can't ignore it.