
*Plans move to Britain*

Which was lame, but hey, RTD liked to bring the emo.

When she said "you abandoned me" or whatever I thought sure it was Romana.

Well to be clear it's not why he wants to be a woman I want explained, it's most how regeneration works in regards to gender changes that I want explained. If the Doctor completely ignores the fact he's a woman and a future Doctor becomes a woman without comment it would annoy me. Not because they're women, but

Well the effects work has always changed, but the general idea of him regenerating but still being a white dude is what I'm getting at. And I'm not saying I cling like a mildly sexist old-timer to the idea of him being a white dude at all. I'm just the type of anal fan who cares about continuity and connections to

I do hope they explain the gender swap next week, even if it's only a quick throwaway line like "I concentrated really hard" or whatever. I'm just anal about there being 15+ regenerations show before with no changes in gender. I want an explanation.

I find about half of them really enjoyable, which has been the rough batting average of the entire modern show, really. Maybe Series 5 beat that by a few.

The writer is reportedly very religious, so the anti-medicine message could in fact be intentional. Either way I definitely noticed it and was put-off by it. I have a mental illness myself, and know it's not something good or easy to ignore without medication.

I just meant embarrassingly bad. So poorly written, acted and produced that they make me cringe. So "90's cool" it's funny and so teen targeted my adult self can't take it seriously. Obviously you disagree, and that's fine. Not sure what else there is to say?

That Pandorica one was great. Rings of Akhaten was up there too. Smith was able to deliver those speeches much more believably than Tennant and Capaldi, IMO, who tend to sound too rehearsed and dramatic.

To each his/her own but I think those episodes are pretty embarrassing now. Even Season Two is quite rough in spots.

Penny Dreadful - "Closer Than Sisters"

I would only tell people to watch Season One Buffy if I wanted them NOT to like the show. ;)

Patrick and Season 8's darker tone actually made me enjoy the series more again, after Season 7 kind of sucked.

Haven't dropped the show, but those two are definitely the highlights.

He could go back and get them but it would be a paradox, because he's there with their dead bodies and followed the book. Even without the book it's been said many times he can't hop within a companion's time stream, and there he is with their dead bodies.

First one I really agree with. I knew from page 2 or 3 that this was a seminal work. Just amazing.

I love Buffy but it was terrible for many, many episodes until it found it's voice. Doesn't qualify for this topic at all IMO.

X-Men First Class was great in my opinion. Though Days of Future Past turned that series into a reboot it was originally just a prequel, according to everyone involved.

I find it hard to really respond because your opinions seem based on comics or cartoons I have zero interest in watching or reading. As a movie fan, I don't see much difference in the two climaxes. Keeping the fight "contained" to downtown Manhattan is not really a good thing, since there are fewer places in the world