
Avengers ended with the same destruction on a massive scale in New York. Marvel heroes kill people all the time. I'm not a comic book guy, so I don't really get why Superman is supposed to be so different.

Average episode with a somewhat average look to it, I thought. However the character moments and motivations were great, as you said. Doctor Who has always been a show where the Doctor brings enough appeal to outweigh average plots and settings. It's pretty nice this season that the companion is almost equally as

See, I like that DC is taking a different approach, and making darker films. Man of Steel had a lot of flaws but the darker, sci-fi edge to it was not one of them. In fact that's the main reason I ended up liking the movie despite those other flaws.

I wish I liked this show as much as you do. I gave it a try, all the way to episode 9 I believe, but I just can't get into it. It's just a more drawn-out and poorly paced Red Dragon/Silence of the Lambs/Hannibal to me. That trilogy is enough for me on the subject, I guess.

Eve was the episode that hooked me too, way back when it first aired. I had seen a few before that but wasn't sold until Eve.

I started with David Tennant but I've somehow been able to get into the old ones. You really have to use your imagination though, and be generally inclined toward older stuff (which I am). It's not an easy show to watch. I think watching only one or two episodes at once helps too, most people try to watch a whole 4 or

I always roll my eyes when people rant about heroes never killing. Give me Dirty Harry any day!

I refuse to watch these on BBC America. They edit the commercials in in the poorest way possible usually, and then they do other crap like that. It's the only show I "pirate," but I buy the blu rays the day they come out, so I still support the show.

This is the one that finally sold my wife on Capaldi. I really dug it as well. Felt like a classic episode, and it felt like they finally got Capaldi's charm/asshole balance correct.

Am I weird for having zero interest in turning movies I love into shows? Like... here's what you loved, now 10 times longer and with lesser actors! Okay...

I know I don't want Garfield in the MCU, because then ASM and ASM2 would be in the MCU, and those movies are not good.

Doctor Who even had a story called Terminus that said the Doctor messing with a ship caused the big bang, creating the entire universe basically. What a bro!

I still like Doctor Who, but man Series 5 was so good, and man the show hasn't been that good since.

In the commentary and documentary on Iron Man 2 they talk about that movie being their version of this story. You can argue they did it poorly, but it's been done.

I agree with you it makes for a nice trilogy as-is. However I also look at stuff like James Bond and see that a well done character with a lot of possibilities can be recast and go on and on. I see that in Tony Stark. I don't really see it with any of the others so far. So I think it might be in Marvel's best interest

Bad movie? BAD MOVIE???

I agree, and I fully support her right to say what she wants. However, some of the language from BOTH sides definitely gets way too generalizing, inflammatory, antagonistic and vile. Just like in politics there are people eager to get attention and money on both sides by being exaggerated and refusing to see grey

It's common, accepted and taught in every college in the country. If you're surprised by it you haven't been paying attention, or critically thinking about advertisements.


Yeah, it was definitely my least favorite of the year. I liked the last scene a good bit but there was too much nonsense before it, most of which you pointed out.