
The 4th one isn't terrible or not entertaining, but the series works best as a trilogy with Ultimatum's ending. Like Alien: Resurrection and Terminator 3, both decent films but they ruin the first two or three movies in a way that makes me forget they exist.

Brilliant. And true.

I like having my wife play interference with all social interactions. Saves me so much time and energy. She remembers their names, asks them questions and even answers for me 90% of the time. Meanwhile I am free to let my mind wander, awaiting the earliest hour I can request to leave.

120 episodes for $180 seems about right to me. Just over a dollar an episode. Similarly with the Star Trek blu rays people forget there are 26 episodes in each set, far more than most modern shows, and they also do a ton of remastering work.

Yes, would be lovely to see a remastered blu ray set, assuming the art was done at high-res.

They're remastered. They released an HD trailer a while back and even with streaming compression it looked really nice.

Selling your UV code will probably net you $30 at least. That's what I plan to do. They'll take my physical media from my cold, dead hands!

I think they're going to eventually come out and say these movies are prequels to the original, and that all the original sequels are disregarded. Which is for the best, since they're all terrible.

The fact you call it "Moffat's shitstorm" tells me a lot.

I just disagree. That kind of paradox happens all the time in Doctor Who, especially Moffat Who. The reaper thing makes no sense.

The show just flat-out doesn't work if every time he changes history the Reapers come along. Every single story has him effecting the world in some way, saving some or killing others. It just makes no sense that every single time those creatures would come. Unlike The Wedding of River Song where a "fixed point" is

Father's Day is a solid story but the plot and continuity really make no sense in Doctor Who's universe. That always really bugs me when I watch it.

I just watched them all again with the bluray releases. I wouldn't use anything near horrible to describe it, and most of seasons one and two were better than Voyager. It was just a tired show with tired people behind it.

Girl in the Fireplace is great. School Reunion is fun. I actually like the Devil two-parter despite myself. And most of the rest aren't outright bad, just really rough around the edges and off in tone compared to the rest of 10's stuff. It just doesn't feel as well made as 1 and 3+ to me, which makes sense because it

The Peri thing always really annoyed me. One of the few 6th Doctor era moments of merit is ruined by a last-minute wussy take-back. I tend to just pretend the Master was lying, which seems like a thing he would do, and she did die.

Yeah, season one was super embarrassing.

I've tried Torchwood a few times and never made it past season one's midpoint. I keep trying.

It was never bad, just tired after 21 seasons of the exact same thing before it. If there was a 3 year gap people would have loved Enterprise a lot more.

It's not as good as 2-6 are, but season one still has a lot of quality in it. If you don't like season one you won't like the rest either, which isn't true for Buffy, TNG and others.

I actually think season one was much better than season two. Season two I honestly find pretty embarrassing outside of a couple hits like Girl in the Fireplace.