
October is my deadline for a massive PC upgrade, mostly for these games. I should be able to squeak by, we'll see. There's even more than this coming around the same time, if you count PC indie stuff like Wasteland 2 and Pillars of Eternity. Going to be crazy!

Looks good. I'm someone who thinks Morrowind still looks good too. It will be interesting to see how the gameplay transfers over.

Windows is a Microsoft platform, I don't think they see it as the same kind of competition. And I think at the end of the day they probably know that PC and Playstation is a much better combination than PC and Xbox, so they might as well sell us PC only types and PC + Playstation types their games.

Microsoft isn't that concerned with keeping their exclusives off the PC, I think is more the truth of it. The PC after all is their platform as well in most cases, and it's not really the same kind of competitor as the Playstation is.

That's pretty bitchin'.

Did I say it was okay?

Doctor Who is a very eclectic show with wildly different tones, styles and settings. That's a big reason it's lasted so long. I'm a die-hard fan who owns every episode from all 50 years (except the lost ones) and there are numerous episodes from all eras I outright dislike, which isn't usually the case in most shows I

I don't disagree with any of that, I just dislike it when we act like any woman who is opposed to abortion is some kind of warped empty vessel speaking for their father/husband.

I know, like I already said I was using their terminology. The core point is this ruling doesn't apply to every form of BC, which is a clarification worth making.

Did I say otherwise?

It is scary. And it's a terrible ruling regardless.

You might not believe the clarification matters, but the law does, and this ruling does, hence it is worth making. Every major news source is specifying "certain types of birth control" in their articles. Jezebel should as well.

I would imagine that would face a further legal challenge, and issues like birth control being prescribed for period pain and such would come up. There's a reason they focused on Plan B and such for this case.

The legal analysis I have read so far does not seem to think it could go that broad, but yes, we will have to keep an eye on it. All I'm saying is articles like this one should clarify today's ruling is not about ALL birth control, which they imply it is.

That is what I have read from the impartial sources I have found. If anyone corrects me I will let you know!

I disagree with the decision, no need to sell me anything.

That's not my argument. My argument is simply that by not specifying what was actually covered by this ruling sites like Jezebel are misinforming people, like the person who started this thread. If you take the pill to help with harsh periods this doesn't effect that at all. Hence my clarification.

That's a really good idea honestly. Would never happen though, as you said.

I disagree with the ruling but there is legal basis for it according to most impartial legal analysis articles. We really need to get healthcare untied from employment in general, like most Western nations have.

Maybe she genuinely disagrees with your views? 40% of women in this country are "pro-life," I doubt they're all teenage idiots.