
Well I was using their framing. The point is this isn't about "the pill" and most other forms of birth control, and people should stop pretending it is because facts are always better.

From what I have read this ruling only applies to post-conception birth control, not "the pill" and others like it. This is something the left has been ignoring today in a quest to make this sound even more outrageous than it already is.


I rewatch classics all the time. Also blu rays look and sound ten times better than streaming. Also I want to own my favorite movies and shows. Also special features are still often interesting, especially commentaries and documentaries. Also they play when my internet goes out, or when I move and am waiting for it to

Alpha Protocol is a big one. The glitches/graphics weren't as bad on PC, and I really liked the plot and Splinter Cell style stealth.

Shhhh, it's a secret!

Mouse and keyboard is demonstrably better for shooters. I can't believe anyone can play a shooter with an analog stick, though they obviously do.

Couldn't disagree more with that. Series 5 and 6 were much more serialized than 1-4.

I prefer Moffat Who because it tends to be more plot focused and sci-fi/fantasy, compared to RTD Who which often felt like a drama or soap opera.

I spent a $1,000 5 years ago and ran everything on highest settings until just this year. It goes a long way, especially if you already have a case, Windows, peripherals, etc. I'm going to spend another $1,000 this Fall for the October games and it should get me a pretty damn amazing rig.

No, you didn't. Trust me, I bought it day one, the enhanced edition patch came out, free of charge. Same with the first game.

I think charging for multiplayer maps is crazy too, but you can't blame companies for doing it when customers buy those packs like crazy.

Their "free little" DLC isn't bad either. That "Troll Trouble" DLC that Witcher 2 got in its first patch was a fun little quest.

The enhanced editions were patches, not new games.

Yeah I was going to post this. It wasn't buggy or anything in my experience, it was very polished and fun on day one. The only real complaints I saw were people saying block was broken, which was false, those people just didn't realize you needed vigor (MP) to block.

The new consoles aren't much of a power leap, so there's every chance the next TES game won't look amazingly better than Skyrim does on the PC. We shall see.

Depth of field is a plague! I don't know how people enjoy it. First thing I turn off in every game.

Archery and sneak are super fun in Skyrim. I use a mouse to aim, so maybe that's a factor, but I had a blast as a thief.

These mods always way over-saturate the colors and buff up the vegetation to make everything look high-fantasy, like Oblivion did. That's a very mainstream idea of RPG settings, but not always the best look. Skyrim was designed to look barren and cold, and did it very well. I prefer the game's original look for this

According to the article she did.