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Does this mean that when all the Cocoa is gone, there will be no more Chocolate Rain?

Mmm, hmm.

Damn, it's a good thing Frucci isn't around to see this.



@Jim Topoleski: Good answer - makes sense. Hopefully support will

I'm going to be blunt here and say that...

**The Road to Guantanamo**

The University of Maryland - University College is not a recognized lawmaking body and carries no imprimatur of authority.

If you want to really protect yourself, you should also get a dedicated radar detector detector detector.

@Worf: Excellent! I hope Kat copies and pastes your comment into the article so readers can better understand why this is actually such a big deal.

This is what I was going to say...

Excellent article. Very informative. Thanks!

Man, funk that.

Ha! I would LOVE to have seen people's reaction to this article title if it had been posted a year after Vista came out!

I have three stars on all levels and I *still* play it just so I can get 1st place top-score in my Game Center friends list.

When George Lucas was young he stood on the shoulders of giants who made space-fiction before him and collaborated with great minds to create episodes 4, 5 and 6.