
Forgive? Too soon.

What? No pictures of food? I'd like to see someone try to convince me why I shouldn't take culinary snapshots. I mean, look at it. It's a goddamn gastronomic spectacle!

For some reason, I am reminded of The Mothman Prophecies - a surprisingly disturbing movie.

That fancy Verizon smartphone you just got will not be able to take advantage of this new service.

My favorite picture of smoke.

Yup, my XPS M1730 is in there... or should I say "was"...

That dood's got some balls.


@Anarkiwi: I agree, and to a certain extent, I think I've had to lower my standards to make do with the iPhone. Sad, but true.

@moarx: Not anymore - just don't have the time. I guess you could say I'm more affected by my free time now, than anything else.

@koreshonfire: Yeah, I know. I think it might be more a matter of my having gotten used to gaming on the go.

What America needs is a bullet-train connecting Ocean City, MD and Venice, CA, thereby bridging the gap between this whole East Coast / West Coast thing once and for all.

My iPhone is the reason I don't play with my NDS, GB Advance, or PSP.

Jaguar just became relevant again.

That heli's queerer than a football bat.