Sadly, he was whacked by natural causes.
Sadly, he was whacked by natural causes.
Typical physicist mistake. He forgot to account for the difference between the coefficient of static vs. kinetic friction. Leave the engineering to engineers.
So, I'm as willing as anyone else to jump on the "Windows RT will fail" bandwagon, but offering a complete version of Office 2013 is VERY tempting. The fact that they actually included Onenote is particularly impressive. They didn't have to do that, but for those of us who use Onenote, the Surface RT would be almost…
Historically, I have upgraded every two years, specifically because of the rules of 2-year mobile phone contracts. I remember when Cingular gave awesome new-phone discounts and Verizon had it's "new every two " program. Now everything's been watered down to slight discounts.
Hmm... maybe we can test this theory by all of us humans going outside at the same time tomorrow, around the world, and running towards the East as fast as we can. Everyone on the North and South Pole can just stand in place and do jumping jacks.
"BB10 also allows you to live two lives on your device, a work life and a personal life. It's essentially two siloed user profiles"
Not so fast...
Son of a beast. I used the iPod out to browse music on my iPhone from my Honda Civic dashboard EVERY DAY. It's a 2012 Civic FFS! GRRR!!!!
I like it, but I haven't been blown away since the 3Gs (thus, it being my current phone). I want to replace it, of course, since it's slowing down but I do wish the iPhone5 was more, I don't know, revolutionary rather than evolutionary.
Let's not ignore the elephant in the room here. Apple has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on R&D and marketing to build it's brand. Nobody is stoping anybody else from building addictively awesome hardware and software (millions of owners can't be wrong...).
"only to see yourself cuckolded by its brand new sister in 6 months"
Oh man, I miss the old days of whitenoise, OMG Ponies!, the old comment format and when it felt awesome to get starred.
Quick note: Printer dpi relates to the individual color dot pitch, as in the colors that come out of each inkjet printer head, for example. That would be similar to the 3 RGB elements that make up every pixel on an LCD display. The DPI for an iPad "retina" display would be more like 792dpi horizontally (and 264dpi…
I'm not sure if this is HTC's problem so much as it's the after-effect of so many smartphone manufactueres adopting Android.
This one's my oldest saved draft from my Hotmail account. My buddy and I used to send emails like this back and forth while in college. I was at UMCP and I remember typing this at the main computer lab on campus on a Mac. All the good computer labs were Macs back then. This came from my first web email account -…
Good observation.
"meta Live Blog"