@CamJN: I don't think it needs preferential treatment, but if money is going to be doled out in the US, it might as well go where it's really needed.
@CamJN: I don't think it needs preferential treatment, but if money is going to be doled out in the US, it might as well go where it's really needed.
Not to beat a dead horse or anything (I didn't provide a pic - you're welcome), but that money, first and foremost, needs to go to improving public education in the United States of America.
My interest in Blackberry phones *vanished* when I discovered there was an extra monthly surcharge to connect a Hosted Microsoft Exchange email account to the Blackberry Enterprise server.
@electricarchie: I have a friend who started her architecture degree at Columbia University in NY city. From the stories she told me, it almost sounded like she lived there and occasionally visited her apartment just to change clothes.
Wanna make it a *real* challenge?
I love those experiments where they (it's always "they") fly clocks around the world really fast, after synchronizing them with land-based clocks, just to re-prove Einstein's Theories of Relativity.
This toaster needs to be sold in Sharper Image. Stat!
@KaZx: Details, details.