
@Stem_Sell: You're just gunning for a star, there. Wait, you already have one.

Sounds OK. If I had the money I'd buy one... of course, I probably wouldn't care about the price of gasoline at that point, anyway (I know, I know, it's about conservation not just cost savings...)

@madconfusion: It feels self-indulgent to promote this comment. Oh well. Thanks!

I would like to order the shoe-phone iPhone insert, please.

Until someone makes a trans-reflective OLED screen, all OLED screens will be a half solution.


@FrankenPC: I've seen and used profanity in comments, but nothing Martha Focker or Jack Schidt would have too much of a problem with.

AT&T already has the subscribers.

"Time, to die."

"Oceans 11"