
Wordpress FTW

"Given that China's consumption will give them more negotiation power in the world's power market..."


We all know what happened the last time one of these probes got out.

Christina Applegate:

~Flesh Roaf~

@joetato: Thank you for that.

Police Box

@Maave: Oh boy, you just angered the Banhammer. Enjoy that star while it lasts.


@sleeping143: When I studied Mech E at UMCP, we used MatLab for mass-spring-damper calculations for matrix manipulation (damn, it's either that or "put a load on a beam and calculate....).

@blash: Thanks for pointing out the fact that I'm an idiot. Now I'm going to have to cry myself to sleep on my big-head pilla.

I'm going to crash this party to just say that the Sony PSP web-browser is shittier than an upside-down port-a-potty. I wonder what it's browser score is. Does it take into account the "expectations vs. results" ratio?

White Knight. For some reason, it has a slightly inappropriate ring to my ears.

Unlike "technology", the basic tenets of Mathematics are NOT rapidly evolving.