

Cool concept, but it almost seems like a wast to build something like this just for a country Britain's size.

Here's my favorite transportation icon.

You had me at...

@yantelope: No... I'm just giving you a hard time.

I certainly hope Steve Ballmer wasn't within earshot of that comment.

...except that the iPhone 4 has *still* sold like a motherfudrucker, whereas Vista sales were in the tank. Plus, if all it takes is a bumper or a piece of tape to prevent a *potential* issue, that's nothing compared to the core-level problems Vista exhibited on release.

@mischlep: OMG, you're right. It was in my possession before I even came up with the idea for it...

I also just patented the gene sequence for mitochondrial DNA.

I patented the Police Box.

Craigslist welcomes you with open arms!

Just to be safe, I also patented: