Steven Thompson

Actually one of the prevailing myths is that os x is as vulnerable as Windows and it's only obscurity that protects it. This is such total nonsense. You get one piece of malware caused by a Java vulnerability and people jump to ridiculous conclusions. There are underlying reasons Windows is so vulnerable. Face the

I remember upgrading my Dell PDA back in the day to the latest and so regretted it. It wasn't even really a better machine. It had more features, but bah, I hated it. I struggled with the iPad 1 to 3 update, because I was good with the first iPad. Eventually I did go for it and I'm cool with it because I use it all

Does any of this have to do with the fact that ie is a paid sponsor of this site? It sucks. Enough said.

If only it wasn't M$!

I'm wondering if it's so wise to take advice from those who went wrong and have regrets. Maybe we should take advice from those without regrets. The assumption I'm questioning here is that what one regrets is the opposite of what would actually make one live well. I'm not sure this is the case. It's interesting that

This is indeed a fine art. But mostly if you give the matter enough sustained thought you realize that most words are a waste and are better not said at all.

Definitely avoid the symlink trick. It will eventually make a right mess and crap the whole thing out. Use Sugarsync for folder syncing. It's designed to handle the issue properly, and they give you 5 gbs free! Yeah. Dropbox is great too, but not for synching folders.

Our biggest danger is wiping out these microbes around us, especially the ones on our hands. The corporate clean industry has convinced everyone that we should be disinfecting our hands. There is absolutely no evidence this even works. But the worst of it is that the bacteria on your hands are your first defense

MS Office is a piece of bloat ware. 99% of people could get away with a simple text editor with some very basic formatting, especially someone writing a nontechnical book. The best option is to move to text only files with markdown. This allows you to work on any device. Simple note is a good option and so is IA

Actually it's not a virus, first of all. There are no os x viruses. It's actually a Trojan, which exist for os x, but require user interaction. The only thing that makes this news is that os x has so few problems with malware and Trojans in general that a few infected machines makes the news. Image 600,000 windows

I think meetup is the best site for doing this sort of thing. I haven't used it much but was intending on using it for support in my coding pursuits.

I have bad news, which probably is news given your idiotic comment; one day you too will be old. Sorry about that. Don't be an asshole.

Gdrive is the most important part of google's long term strategy to move services to the web. They will likely tie extra space with owning an android device or Crome os.

The organization sickness. It could probably be cured with enough deprogramming.

The irony is that soft and comfortable will lead to a lot of discomfort down the road. Better to sit perched on a bench or a stability ball. Your back will last you past 30 that way.

Nice find. It should be noted that this will be built into the new version of OS X due out in the summer. It should work with messages. I'm liking the polish Apple is putting on all these little apps. Facetime is totally cool, messages, reminders. All of these little clean apps are amazing added value to their

Ahh, some people should really not be encouraged to DIY. There's nothing more annoying than buying a house, or trying to fix one, after someone who thought they were "handy"; slap and tickle anyhow? Only attempt to DIY if you have the patience to do a decent job at it. Know whether you should attempt to be the

With smaller displays ribbon bars are simply going in the wrong direction. How on earth are you going to get your fingers on a little icon if this is supposed to run on a tablet eventually? I think they should forget about trying to make Win 8 run on a tablet and just write something appropriate for that platform. I

Not truly cross platform. Dumbed down web version doesn't count. Evernote makes a better effort at cross platform, but no Linux client. One note is cool, but even though I use windows I'm also on os x. Web version doesn't count for much.