
Famous last words.


Are terrorists more likely to buy fake bags?

You are the problem, you caused it. Now you don’t even want to help fix it.

Sure, but this would happen no matter what. Maybe next year instead of this year, but it will happen no matter what this decade.

That was 20 years ago.

The cost of that labor has nothing to do with it.

So then you give cash buyers 4% off?

Apple is not optimizing for cell life.

More like 15+. The Prius has been around long enough to prove that.

Mostly Amazon actually.

They take 5 minutes to replace.

No Conker? What the hell is wrong with you?

Then what point is there? Does the USA need two far right parties?

They are really easy to fix too.

Do you still have it? The repair is not too bad.

The same cable that is $3 on monoprice

Welcome to capitalism, if you want better labor you have to be willing to pay for it.

Are you paid in rubles or dollars?

That describes the human condition.