
Where’s the love for X-wing vs Tie Fighter, or a real classic like Dark forces

More like in 20 years. The battery pack in my hybrid is older than 5 years.

The lawyers do the work. The class members each suffered little harm.

Not sure how tp break this to you, but Kylo Ren/Ben Solo kills Han Solo.

That would kill Nintendo almost overnight.

The 360/xbone controller maybe, but the xbox controller, the one for the system called xbox was sized for Andre the Giant.

Defective cable.

USB-C will do even more than that. It will even power your laptop.

There is almost never no one at fault. In this case the victim is the cause of the accident. He entered an intersection that was not clear.

So when he dies and these cars sit rotting polluting the ground water and giving the neighbors cancer, you gonna pay to clean it up?

Was what I wanted to do going to damage the groundwater or other people’s property?

A grown up is sure you aren’t one.

It is the standard for group play for mario kart and the like.

You need another monolithic backup every X months. You can’t trust incrementals forever. Consolidation is one technique, but even that is not 100% trustworthy.

Not lucky, the other bigger cats don’t climb any trees :)

Being defensive also requires slow braking and a leisurely pace. Keep proper distance.

Not at all.

You never said a single pair.

The jab about DNS is that you are talking about altering hundreds of addresses for a company of any real size.

The input is encrypted. Not the output. Read it again.