
any word on a Lego Batman 3 movie? My kid loves the other one

that seems like a bigger set for $19.99. I woulda pegged it at $29.99

I would hate to point out that your fuzzy childhood memories were all pretty much just half hour commercials for toys. In 10 years there will be people on this site talking about their fuzzy childhood memories of all the different little angry birds they had and how cool it was that they ZAPPED!! right into the game.

I don't think anthing Gamora wore (or didn't wear) in the comics could ever be called armor!

NO! you skipped the hidden door on the 1st level to get the extra armor!!

they are also calling the protagonist from Fire Emblem "Robyn" even though you can rename them in the game.

that poor unsecured HP Printer. I can only imagine what was sent to that thing to print during the event....

Maybe I'm way off base but I thought that not all these are the same "Link" That a new adventurer takes up the mantle of the past hero, that you are the adventurer reborn as it were.

I'm with you, Mt Wario is my favorite

get the mixel sets then, they are 5 bucks and are basically just a bag of 70 pieces of the ones you just described. with a few eyeballs and teeth and things thrown in as well.

Agreat option right now that no one is mentioning are the Mixels. they are little creatures that are 5 bucks each and really cool looking fun to build. series 2 just came out so now there are 18 of them available with another 9 in sept. they are chock full of little joint/limbs/tails/eyes. really getting a few

Man I would LOVE a Wario game styled as an anti-paper mario. to have that RPG style but just be goofy and bizarre and all about collecting money over saving the day. WaLuigi could make an appearance and flesh out his character a little as well.

My guess is either an a test algorithm that someone forgot was running or someone with severe Autism or another condition that finds comfort in making these videos.

I understand your hesitation now. I would argue the console is only there as a way to play the games, and Nintendo's gives you a lot of options between the Touchscreen, wiimotes and pro controllers. While that's great it is a huge "buy-in" cost just to play a few games. That seems to be what Nintendo can't

In all fairness, Nintendo might not be for you anymore. Thats not a bad thing for you, but it might be for Nintendo (thought it might not). The Nintendo you remember as a kid is still that exact same Nintendo. Nintendo didn't stop making games you like, you stopped liking games Nintendo makes. They are for

so will the game come with a steering wheel like the last one for the Wii did?

By God my 4 year old would be in heaven. I would be forced to buy all the little action figure telepods to zap into the game too! And I would secretly love every bit of it!

yea to be full fledged Tanooki you need a bandana around your neck now (at least according to Super Mario 3D Land)

Raimi has said as much (… ) Even hinting as to giving up and letting it be a bad movie just to prove his point. Now if someone buts their nose in too far on one of his movies he can just say "hey you want a spider-man 3? then back off!"

I still stand by my theory that Raimey intentionally made Spidey 3 bad in retaliation for the Producers forcing him to put Venom into the film. Every time someone mentions the "dance scene" he just snickers to himself a little more...