
I agree, I like Sara a lot more than Laurel. Sara got a little annoying with the "I can't be redeemed, I have to be evil" thing in the past 2-3 episodes but it seems they got past that just in time to maybe have her die. I'm hoping against hope Sara makes some deal with Nyssa Al Ghul to return to the league if

I will accept that ONLY if Slade chops off one of his arms. or maybe I'm just desperate for more "Young Justice"

I think it might take the death of Sara to make Laurel become the canary. Though the way they go through characters in this show it's certainly not out of the question to have Slade kill her in the finale.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed how "bright" Agents of SHIELD is. On the other side, this season of Arrow seems to have been shot in a deep dark cave.

or he was rounding to a nice whole number and didn't stop to count exactly how many there were.

So in season 1 Oliver Queen was called the Vigilante. In season 2 he became a good guy and he became The Arrow. well now with photos of Roy being an archer, that could be confusing for season 3. more than one "Arrow"? Maybe they should distinguish them by color or something....

so will the game come with a steering wheel like the last one for the Wii did?

By God my 4 year old would be in heaven. I would be forced to buy all the little action figure telepods to zap into the game too! And I would secretly love every bit of it!

yea to be full fledged Tanooki you need a bandana around your neck now (at least according to Super Mario 3D Land)

Raimi has said as much (… ) Even hinting as to giving up and letting it be a bad movie just to prove his point. Now if someone buts their nose in too far on one of his movies he can just say "hey you want a spider-man 3? then back off!"

I still stand by my theory that Raimey intentionally made Spidey 3 bad in retaliation for the Producers forcing him to put Venom into the film. Every time someone mentions the "dance scene" he just snickers to himself a little more...

only if you could buy their trophy version in store and use it with NFC to bring them into the game too, skylanders style. I would spend way too much money buying nintendo smash brother trophies.... on second thought, don't to that nintendo

I can see it now, everyone pulls out their cellphones to record some sort of event. Phones all detect one another and explode.

ambush bug should just be the narrator of the Batman/Superman/justice league movie. Just let him be off camera narrating a few spots then at the very end have him walk out and never explain why he is wearing a bug costume and then just cut to credits.

"weird fetish niche game" gave you away. Otherwise it would have been a fantastic troll post. Still, you might reel in a few suckers. Well done

I think Little Mac is going to play well against Fox as well. Being fast on the ground like that leads me to believe we are going to see many "for glory" matches filled with nothing but wire frame Little Mac's

Thank you, your broom/toilet comparison was not only spot on, but also wonderfully descriptive.

I know she is practicing on looking tough with that sword training but Karen Gillan looks way too adorable in her mickey mouse sweatshirt.

exactly. If they were released around the same time I was going to get the Wii U version and MAYBE get the 3DS version later if I thought there was value in both.

I pay for HBO and have never ever been to the HBO station on my cable TV. everything I watch I use HBO GO for. its another netflix for me