
I find it hard to believe people can't tell the difference between a blu-ray and DVD. I took the blu-ray of Iron Man 2 (comes with blu-ray and DVD) and put them into my PS3 and DVD player and played the same scene on both, switching back and forth from inputs for both my father and father-in-law to show the

unless you Rip your DVDs to an apple friendly format. then you have the choice of WD or appleTv. I actually am in the processes of converting all my DVDs, and am not sure of the path to take on a player. WD, Boxee, AppleTV or Roku. We have 2 ipads that would be nice to stream to, as well as watch Hulu plus and

He means your own movies. Either Home movies, purchased digital films or Ripped DVDs on a Hard Drive. and yes unfortunetly you still need a computer with itunes open to make it work.

It depends on what you wanted the film to be. A "Space Cop" film or a Superhero film. One would have been better with more time on OA and the other would have been better if he never went there and learned on earth. But they tried to do both and please everyone and in the end pleased neither.

in the comic they have no arms either, though they dont go into depth as to why they dont keep trying to suckle on her as its really just her cool intro. Rick won't let her in with them so she lops their heads off pretty quickly into the story, she never does the pet zombie thing again.

How many hours do I work or how many am I at work? I mean I am at work reading a Lifehacker article (like I'm sure a lot of you are)

We have one that our 2 year old uses alot (it's mommy's but she shares), and it can be tough not to use it as a kid shutter-upper. But not really tougher than giving a treat or some other copout shut up tool. we all have them and battle to use them as little as possible.

Our child has been using the ipad in some function since he was one. Its amazing how quickly a young child picks it up. He is now just turning 2 and he is fully capable of running it on his own. can choose which apps he wants, use them (all learning apps, which there are a great selection of) and can switch

when our first little guy showed up 2 years ago I ended up mounting the tv on the wall and changing the entertainment unit to a vertical cabinet in the corner. Took a few days to remember to point the remote a few inches to the side instead of at the TV but it got everything out of child reach. (he's 2 and can

well maybe if Honor Guards Kilowog and Guy Gardner would stop going on adventures all the time and focus on training the newbies they wouldnt die so often.

there are so many GLs and they die more often then red shirted away team members.

I love my comic nerd debates (I mean that in an honestly proud way as I am one)

no no, the best part is having a game with both the Awsome John WIlliams superman theme AND the batman the animated theme. 2 of the greatest pieces of Super Hero music ever written!

IF I wanted to back up all my DVDs onto a computer on my network and stream them to my tv. Which is the better option, Apple TV, Boxee or Roku?

I always liked Luigi better. I really wish someone made a version of Luigi's adventure from Paper Mario Thousand Year Door. His seemed so much more fun

of course we actually need a Ben first. Maybe They meet up with another group with like donna, allen, billy & ben on the way to the prison.

Donkey Kong was after Pauline. When Mario and Pauline split part of the Divorce agreement was Pauline got to keep the Primates and Mario got to keep the business (though mostly because Luigi was still part owner).

Games are an interactive medium so gamers more than any other group feel a part of the ownership of the game and feel we should have some say. Letting the gamers modify a story is a great concept, and one worth persuing if you plan your game that way from thestart. to evolve with the player base.

Woohoo for the return of the Iron Man circle suit! Thank you Joss Whedon.

I'm not sure why you think apple is clearly in the right here. If someone from china started sucessfully marketing a product worldwilde called the "ibook" Apple would sue the hell out of them even though its the name of a discontinued Apple product.