
I would totally buy this if it was less than 20 bucks.

Look behind you a three paged monkey!

Actually I think you should use "Get me into an interview and I'll prove why I'm worth hiring." Sounds pretty good to me.

"look forward to hearing from your and exchanging ideas "

I agree with you Noel. My favorite review system of kotaku's was the colored text groupings of what they did and didnt like about the game. I was sad to see that go.

I haven't seen any mention of an Uncle Ben Death scene in any Spider-Man news. Is it just assumed that this critical turning point will take place or are they ACTUALLY going to phase it out?

you forgot everything is backwards below the equator, so Brazil is in the bizzaro west while Australia is actually in the east.

I stand by my assesment that Ras Al Ghul is still the main villian. Bane is going to seem to be the big baddie in the 1st half of the movie before it is revealed that Ras is the real villian.

This is why I created a 2nd gmail account and forward the emails from my personal account to it. I dont need everyone that has ever emailed me being able to know how many cute kitten videos I watch on youtube.

awsome and iconic are sometimes very different. are the firefly crew and Invinvible awsome, you betcha. If I stop 50 people on the street are any of them going to know who they are? probably not.

How to you create a Brand new iconic hero or villian? Change the insane time frame allowed by copyright laws.

I would say woody and buzz protect the inhabitants of their town (Andy's room) with as much heart and passion as Batman protects Gotham or Superman & Metropolis.

so we are going to get the live action version of the Ultimate Avengers direct to DVD animated movies I suppose

Man, I can't remember how many classes my TI-83 with tetris and zelda got me through.

Hulu has really been pushing their exclusive content. almost every commercial is for either whites, the booth at the end, mongrels or one or two other british shows.

Apologies Jonn, my first though when I read you reference the AC debacle was when Kotaku spoiled a bunch of the arkham city suprises for people. I was not aware of the catwoman issue.

Still my favorite poke' picture

no one is "claiming" the word gay. If you use it in its proper context thats fine. if you use it as a slang insult the it becomes just as bad as the word you couldn't even bring yourself to type.

While I agree with almost the entirely of the Authors point of view (and yours) I have to say I disagree with your comment of "Being dismissive of someone's bullying is just as bad as being the bully yourself"

I want to know who brought the raw eggs with them to hold while standing in -20 weather.