Stev D

I love club soda and vodka - here are two drinks I make that are based on a Greyhound (vodka+grapefruit) but cut out a good deal of the acidity and have cool names. They have probably been invented by another person, but I don't care, I like the names I came up with:

Don't forget how Dan Snyder left* melting ice cream on Mike Nolan's desk to express his displeasure with Nolan's "vanilla" defense.

The nine Suns:

Christ. I can see that in my mind's eye.

Some of you guys may not speak graphic design - so I'll clue you in on some of the finer, more discrete aspects of this logo:

Looks like Cutler's using a Dr. Brown's Natural Flow bottle. They're BPA free. Very nice.

That is a great idea.

I used the Hal Higdon program too. I think I found it by searching "half marathon training program".

What's this guy up to? Seems suspect.

Lot of conversations about the best way to get patches on and off of a bomber jacket going on there.



Even more damning— that photo is from the 2011 Golden Globes, when Qatar won for Best Original Score.

"...and Tim Ferriss his only son."

A caveat for the walk-off HR— the ball needs to be pulled. Doesn't count if the batter goes opposite field. Jeter's little cueball against the D'backs was a joke! A sick joke!

Come on, Donald Sterling!

Are we witnessing the end of the stadium financing shell game? And even if we're not, what's the next scam we sports fans will fall for?

Not gonna lie, that's good time. A damn good time.

I hate emptying the dishwasher so much so that I've started timing myself, which has made emptying the dishwasher an event. This morning my wife was helping me out, thanks and all, but Jesus, she killed my time. I'm usually in the 2:35-3:10 range, however today it was more like 3:45. I can't even qualify with that!

Te'o should go and speak to the Boys and Girls club about the dangers of doing or not doing whatever the fuck happened or didn't happen. It's the only way.