Stephen Krogmeier

I live 25 minutes away from downtown New Orleans. Also, you’re a douche with no experience outside of your all-important little world.

Hopefully Daredevil remembers to bring his Microwave of Justice.

No, as a former copyright lawyer, this is likely the tack they’re going to take if it gets that far: That the claimed designs are not distinctive or similar enough. If you look closely, they made some slight changes in her designs, with the intent I’m sure of claiming her copyright is too thin to extend to them.

More sad, definitely. Not more depressing. Hopelessness is depressing, and even when sad, I think Futurama is hopeful. Sadness is not depressing; after all, sad is just happy for deep people.

“Plus, it is much less depressing than many comedies.”

Particularly the engine, which holds explosions.

Run the affluence perception test, take it to a place with Valet Parking, do they put it up front with the other luxury sedans or is it in the back with the Accords?

Badges installed by dealer to deceive a buyer?

Some old Rolls Royce

An Ariel Atom. After the completely sensible and reasonable Ferrari 360 and Nissan Skyline GT-R, you need something absurd and ridiculous. What better way to do that lose every single body panel. It will make your neighbors question your sanity and a base one can be had new for $50k. Not sure about used.

Some kei car. We need to know what it’s like to live with a tiny car in the US.

How about something ridiculously classic like a Model T or something? Would that be too expensive? It surely wouldn’t depreciate.

We all know why I had to pick my words carefully.....

America was founded by atheists.

You have no idea how much of a compliment that actually is. We'll look in to shooting exclusively on iPhone for one film.

I shall punish myself immediately.