Stephen Bishop


Good point and well put.

Its more the fact that school cafiteras are run by poorly managed for profit institutions that usually buy premade overly processed garbage. Just look at what theybservr in France vs stateside, they have employees who work DIRECTLY for the school no middlemen with lobbying expenses, no six figure CEO, CFO, or COOs. We

B.2 is invalid as hell considering the deed is done, so unless you want to legalize late AF term “abortions” of walking kids you’re just speaking out of your butt.

Butter and jelly is not “more healthy” its fucking butter and sugar. You sound like a cafeteria worker for one of those horrendous for profit cafeteria middlemen who only serve to decrease food quality and increase cost. As for Pizza, that shit needs to be banned outright from schools except for once a month

@Josh Ocampo, I’ve got an exceedingly simple solution to drastically cut costs. Deprivatise the PUBLIC schools cafeteria. I had a client (Opaa! Food Management) that I did tech support for at an old job and to be entirely blunt about it. They see the children as THEIR meal ticket at HQ. The shit they’d say about

Have you not heard of “the struggling middle class” those people just above the aid limit and just below, anything resembling comfort? I know a few family's who wouldn't qualify for financial aid but frankly need it. Then again I'm generally against aid for the middle class but in the case of PUBLIC schools, we can

TelCos are the original and dominant ISPs, never forget Ma Bell.

FCC is allegedly gong to require TelCos/ISPs to fix that by years end. An old Ma Bell law required TelCos to accept all connections to prevent them from charging “cross network connection fees”, or just from outright refusing to connect a call to a competers customer.

That’s easy, use an authentication ticketing system. Only allow international calls from “respected” exchanges that refuse to allow spoofers/people failing to use the authentication system the industry can agree on. Now every caller is verified making spoofing impossible, require all commercial clients I register

That’s an over simplistic view of the economy. Some businesses have thin profit margins, others have minimum profit ratios. I’ve seen tons of businesses get out of a market or industry because it wasn’t profitable enough. Prices aren’t set according to what the market can tolerate, they are set off what’s competitive,

I don’t want you or me to be “allowed” to get marrie. What right do I or you have to deny the others love as invalid? This shit shouldn’t even be on our policy makers plates. Its a clear violation of seperstion of church and state.

People of any faith automatically dismiss all other faith constructs excluding catholics and Buddhists. Marriage is inherently a religious construct, thus it needs to be abolished now that gay rights have been established the symbolism is done. This argument is so annoying and tracking love is such a massive waste of

Marriage is a multi-faith religious construct, as the first amendment states no religious policies shall be enacted into law arguing that anyone’s love is anti-american. Period.

Opposing government regulation and acceptance of love is not being homophobic. Many Christians, Muslims, and Jews believe marriage and matters of love are above the domain of government. I personally was glad the Supreme made its ruling but frankly I would have rather they used the first amendments policy and simply

You moron... The fellowship of Christan athletes is no more homophobic then the entire catholic, Muslim, Jewish, and Christian world. Our religion tells us not you use the plumbing other then to evacuate our bowels. Our religion also tells us Christ died for the sins of ALL, it also teaches Christ loves all and has

Where’s you’re supporting argument? What are you a fifth grader? Clearly you’ve never been on a debate team... Your ignorance is overwhelming.

He asked for an example, are you going to provide it or just unjustifiably continue you’re antichristian, antijewish, antimuslim rhetoric?

Which parr, the suicides caused by PTSD like srmtoms from years of concussions? (NFL) The exploitive and downrigyts racist abuse of young african american (and all in general) athletes? (NCAA)

The middle and lower class are being attacked economically, Union workers are suggesting that is a form of violence as it directly hurts their ability to survive as workers. So their stating they will return the violence in kind, economic violence will be met with striking, let’s just hope its contained to striking