Stephen Bishop

Imade two posts idk if there's a technical issue or if I did something wrong. Please let me know if they were removed intentionally I didn't think I said anything that would make anyone feel unwelcome, uncomfortable, or judged. If I did I apologize I'm just trying to ask how can a child be allowed to make a decision


Was my pending comment deleted for some reason? Does disagreeing that a child can make a life altering decision amount to a ToS violation?

Children cant be trans, what kind of God awful parents are raising kids and letting them think they know what they are? They are still children they can’t even vote. If a child can’t consent to sex they can’t tell you what their sex should be. Gender is a construct. Let your kids express themselves without judgement

They are politicians not people there’s no such thing as lying to “them” they aren't people. You are simply trying to get component of a machine to function. If you have to with falsehoods then alright whatever it's job isn't to be convinced it's to do what it's people want.

What the hell is your problem Brendan? You got a problem with keeping hostile regimes responsible for human organ harvesting, free speech suppression, and countless other evil acts from having access to our private data? *THIS JUST IN* You’re an idiot and I feel like what lifehacker is doing is criminal by encouraging

Do you want to get sued for misrepresentation of a product? Because calling something 1080P that's 480P is a dick move. Guy please fix the description to be honest and accurate. It's bad enough seeing this kind of BS on amazon but I expected better from y'all. Lots of people have stated those specs aren't what you are

Do you want to get sued for misrepresentation of a product? Because calling something 1080P that's 480P is a dick

When it comes to support no label or sticker will guarantee quality service you gotta talk to the person and feel them out.

Nah we ought to be allowed to buy whatever parts we want to fox our product as long as they have them for internal repairs too.

First off it doesn’t have to be a Mac buy a Pc and convert your files. Anything and everything those over priced pieces of trash can do a windows PC can do better and cheaper. I work on computers for a living and while apple PCs are somewhat well built every year that is less true.

Why are you encouraging the use of an application that is tied directly to the CCP? Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black? Or more like theoney hungry “journalist” kowtowing to a market to valuable to pass up?

Why are you literally encouraging people to use an app that is used by the most oppressive regime in recent history? You think it’s “fun” to encourage people use tools used by the CCP to oppress freedom of speech?

If you live in the Bible Belt region don't waste your money on topical agents at all. Flees have long sense become resistant when not out right immune to those products. Collars, oily topical agents, shampoos, etc are all almost totally worthless take your pet to a vet and get some Bravecto or whatever they think it's

This is why I don’t do “the cloud”/IoT for my home automation everything is hosted inside my home with my buddies pla e acti g as an off-site backup. We both have reasonable internet so it's easy to accomplish. If you are trusting a company like Amazon with your video feed natural selection is being hampered. Don't be

Return the PoS and if you can run cable do if not it still supports wifi get something like this, add a Pi4+Zoneminder (free Video DVR for cameras) and you don’t need any third party apps. Put it on a vlan if you know how for added security so the camera can only talk to the Pi4 and the Pi4 is how you’ll want to

Protip: Use Google Voices call screen feature and ALL the telemarketing people including criminals will black list that number as worthless. People complain all the time about spam calls, I haven’t gotten one in 14 months, before that it was about a year as well.

Suuuure you did bub. It’s adorable you came to boast without any, you know? Proof? This is the internet and as the old saying goes.

Shame you can’t run for President in the US, I'd love to have a tech minded president or just a reasonable number of Congress members. SS is a joke we need to reform 9 numbers into something secure and viable. Chip and Pin + 2FA (no Sim due to some swap attack) please and ty!

I never realized how common this was until I read this article and thought about it a tad. I’m starting to feel old.

As a conservative a find the assumption we all support that sorry excuse of a reality TV ”Start” and several times failed (bankrupt) businessman offensive. Don’t attack me sir/madam thou doth not knowst me.