Stephen Bishop

Just as telling as the American revolution use of extreme violence, or the French revolution, or the Russians communist revolution, or the CCP revolution. The point is when you push a people to a point where they have little to loose and much to gain force is often the most efficient answer. Look I get it, you

Then they can get over it. We lowyh the airportsz we loath the wait times, we loath the overbooking to only be viciously dragged off the plane we PAID to get on. Let the multi-billion dollar industry’s feel a little loathing for once. Or better yet let’s reinstate the 1950's regulations on prices and all that good

That’s because they aren’t. As that op communist used to say, the profits are made by the working class mother fucker. I’m no dirty commie but he’s right and the only way to protect our capitalist society is to treat our profit makers (those actually doing the work not just managing or investing) with respect and

No one cares about you’re uppity profit ratio bullshit. The point is the company is netting a MASSIVE amount of cash as pure profit and are not at risk of competition coming in and hurting them. As the airline industry got deregulated (back in the 70's?) the number of national airlines has shrunk, the “less

Looks to me they are doing exceptionally well considering the fact they are squeezing more seats at a higher price every year.

Maybe its because I live in Ky but the idea of having my ID “scanned” is batshit crazy. You just cjecknthr holograms, ink color, and flex of the plastic, how shitty do you have to be at your job to let those horrible fakes get past you? A “good” fake ID is usually a felony anyway.

Someone approaches me gun pulled out I have to assume they mean to kill me and need to be shot so I don't die. Just saying, I'd rather goto jail for defending myself then be six feet under.

Looks here “homey” that man did nothing wring and was only exercising his constitutional and state rights to self defense. His gun was registered and he did nothing wrong. The only “stupid” “homey” Herr is you. Stop reinforcing negative racial stereo types.

Fuck you, he’s an American that has every right to self defense. Sure he should have kept it in a case but having a gun while black is nonexcuse for a cop to harrass and attempt to “lawfully” murder a citizen that is not actively commiting a crime or fleeing a crime scene is insane.

Seriously, I mean if it weren't the law to tolerate and I believe in the spirit ofntheblaw of wouldn't only not be an ally I'd be actively campaigning at banning them considering the World Trade Center and all. But as I care about the Constitution more then my own fear of a faith founded by a known peso I will fight

Actually even this dude doesn’t know because he called it Christian Lent. There is Catholic and Orthodox Lent but lent is a tradition NOT a religious construct. As such nondenominational and Baptist and Mormon, and many other version of Christianity thimknlents batshit crazy nonsense. If god didn’t ask you to fast

This right here.

“have” nonsir the Constitution forbids anyone HAVING to. As a society we do NOT “have” to embrace each others different faiths we do however “have” to tolerate it.

You lost the high ground going straight to insults.

As a firm believer in religious rights let me just say. Naw fuck that you are trying to force a soft power change in our society I WILL NOT be peer pressured or gently ask pressured into adapting any of my patterns or habits because of someone else’s faith or lack there of.

I think its considerate for anyone fasting to avoid food areas instead of some weird misconception being formed that its my job to know every single minor religions cultural requirements. I tolerate everyone as I expect to be tolerated but I don’t expect my place of work or those there to change for me because of my

Abu my good man you’re being ridiculous. No one that isn’t Muslim would want to be an “ally”, as w Christian American I believe we should all tolerate each others religious nonsense but its quite frankly rude to expect others to adapt to make something you’re choosing to do easier. For example my lent observing

Don't tease us provide a link yo.

Trump is the reason forbth second amendment so you aren't wrong. Enemy's foreign OR domestic.

Baller. Shame it didn't make an exception for rape and imbreding though. That was a weird and bad idea.