Stephen Bishop

There are no Amendments or clauses guaranteeing the right to erase ones mistake of a night of passion. I’ve seen no laws giving parents the right to murder or abort their offspring. Can you stopconfusing a supreme court decision with a constitutional right. Courts change their opinions that’s why the Republicans

Says you, the moralists within this country would argue we are restoring pro-life values and you're idiotic ideas of choice to kill are baseless in the constitution. All people should have the right to LIFE liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If that means male and female sluts have to get surgery to avoid getting

Proof? Or are you just a basement tin foil? Links should always be provided such with claims.

Yep if only people could exercise self control and get a cheap and safe form of reversible otherwise permanent birth control. Oh wait its called the Ol snip snip and if I recall correctly it only took a few days for my balls to fully get over it. A few months later I was clear to not even NEED birth control if I

Israel? I’m going to assume you’re Jewish because the ultra-riggt winged Jewish government of Israel makes republicans look liberal. So you don’t make shit for sense have you even been to the country or spoken with anyone who has? Its a wonderful place I’d die to protect but its no liberal mecca. Actually its

I’m a white STRAIGHT male that is a fundamentalist of the Christian faith. I desperately want Syrian refugees to be welcomed over and believe EVERY SINGLE Mexican should be given automatic citizenship due to the mass exodus of post WWI and WWII where this government broke its promise of citizenship to immigrants ehi

White people have PLENTY of kids, just because the minority’s are less inclined doesn’t mean its remotely related. If anything stopping abortions will cause far far MORE minority’s as they also frequent such places due to a combination of frequent sexuality (just like white people) and a lack of proper access to

You have the choice to let a man fuck you or not, you have the choice to require that man be neutered, you have the choice to be in birth control and require he do the same as well as west a condom and have him pull out, you have the choice to require he soak his balls in warm water to steralize (Indian doctors are

The overwhelming support does seem to indicate that doesn't it? Its almost as if States want to decide for themselves if murder of unborn children should be easy or not.

The bill was written and given a review period its just overwhelming supported in the moral parts of the nation. You’re choice stops at murder for the sake of convince prove its a threat to your life or prove your the victim of assault (hell just state as much and get a rape kit check performed) otherwise you’re just

I dislike most administrations especially this one however its not done in the name of God (big we don’t worship Zeus its a proper noun learn English) we ban abortions because its murder and personally unless it’s a case of rape the sperm donor should be required to approve as you as a woman had to approve him

Just because people abortions should be reserved solely for rape victims and IF abortions are to be legalized for recreationary purposes then it should require the consent of both party’s because you had the choice to let him in you without requiring him to be fixed. I don’t want kids so I got surgically assured I

“Fuck you.” Oh we have a true master of thoughtful and logical responses right here. The only time an abortion is valid is if its the consequence of being sexually assaulted and a report has been filed along with a rape test swabbing for DNA. If the aborted fetus doesn’t match the rapist DNA the woman deserves

Spectrum bakes the price of modem rental fees into its services now so you’re stuck paying even if you own your own equipment like I do. I wish this shit was illegal if the company has to pay for itbtheubcant claim its free as the cost is being passed onto the consumers regardless of how you put it on the bill.

Spectrum bakes the price of modem rental fees into its services now so you’re stuck paying even if you own your own

I didn’t realize Lifehacker was down with animal cruelty. This fairly repulsive. As a life long Ky citizen let me just say, what the shit? Seriously how does one condone a “sport” of whipping horses and forced breeding? Horses are fine companions, OK farming aids, and fantastic conversationalists but they make for

All tipping is insane, look up the history of how it started and while you tip those who need it fight for a fair wage.

You are NOT “supposed” to tip anyone except servers and others who fall under the $2.xx minimum wage for servers, etc amndment. Even then you should give SERIOUS shit to any manager who isn’t paying a living wage like most EU nations apparently do. Its only because of desperate employees being taken advantage of

I worked at Kroger, McDonalds and liquor store, cash is certantly faster if you know how to count. Its also less peofitible as Visa/MC/etc get a % based cut of EVERY CC transaction and a flat fee per debit. I’m way faster then someone trying to type their pin/sign their name. But as long as it isn’t a check I’ll

This, Amazon got over 130 million in TAX RETURNS and paid NO federal income tax. I will not commit fraud but the IRS can kiss my ass for doing that to the working class and Congress deserves jailtime for making/allowing it to happen as does any president that signs off. Trickle down economics hasn’t worked in 2000+

Sound like your advising people on how to assist in tax fraud. I find your comment distasteful, people deserve a fair wage they shouldn't be forced to commit felonies to feed their children.