Stephen Bishop

The GoP doesn’t want to replace the bill, they just want it gone and not to feel the backlash for axing it. They never had a plan for any sort of medical improvements before or after the ACA, that’s coming from a adamant anti-ACA individual. The individual mandate is extremely unconstitutional forcing is to pay for

People were all freaked about the first and second industrial revolutions. This isn any different society will adapt, people will learn new skills society will advance and everyone can profit from it if done correctly. But if our current government is any sign? Yeah I’m preping for “Shadow Run” rules. The corporations

They are actually anti-automation. Trump bragging about the investment for that car company shows his ignorant the party is on automation. They seem to think all our jibs are going over seas and yeah some are, but the vast majority are robits.

For the love of all that is good I wish people would stop using McConnell to represent the Republicans. I vote against that douche bag every election and can’t seem to get rid of him. Not all Kentucky citizens like that bag of dicks.

So a musician that was above the pro-gang BS in his music, due to his own real experience was murdered outside of a gang associated area is that right? I hope the mermering I’ve heard about him being dirty isn’t true as sounds like he’s exactly what that community needed. RIP, my thoughts and prayers to his family I

I’m one if those “don’t care” people. By which I mean I never cared for R Kelly since I heard he liked peeing on children.

Nah you’re thinking if weak minded and easily manipulated people that’s the generation before manillias. Manillas didn’t vote trump into office. Just saying stop blaming those with new ideas just because they are making a ruckus and you feel they are an easy target.

Good ol South Park/Dave Chapelle rules.

If your family is that scummy it sounds like you need to have the talk with them not your daughter.

There’s also the trams of digging up someone else’s pet... Bad day for my sister and I.

Nah after a certain point its inhumane to keep them alive the question is are you jumping the gun? If so then sire if not then I am all about quality over quantity and am known for being pro choice on the matter of assisted suicide.

Because its attractive and much like they used to, thick is no longer sexy now its thin. A few century's ago thick was sexy in the west but now its a symbol of junk food and laziness not a life of plenty.

Serious question, why the heck isn’t delete all social media accounts listed? Also you forgot spam filters for your phone. I deleted my social media accounts in 2016 as its just a toxic platform that will cause strife. I don’t understand why anyone uses social media in an age where we all have texting and computers in

Sounds like you're from a Southern or mid west state lol. Glad to see you were raised right. I feel the same.

Maybe for testing/repairs?

This, so tired of how some people think their city is the best city and everyone else must behave like them or they are dogs.

You don’t force him out of the way or berate them? Weird you must not live in any city ived visited. Even in the south its considered unbelievably rude to try and stop a man from getting where he’s going just because you’re to lazy to walk/dumb to be in the correct “lane”. I mean if you're elderly and its a small

Please just stop dude. You are neither being funny nor are you even making a valid point. Your entire argument is, everyone should wait in line so the people choosing to notnuse theirnlegs can get up slightly faster. Other then the fact you are trying to take away my right to choose to walk you are also suggesting

What, are you Inadian IT or something? He clearly said the OPPOSITE stop trying to pull a Donald. Demanding all of us wait around because the majority are to lazy is what’s referred to as the tyranny of the fat mass. Or something like that.

Counter Argument: How about no? Seriously don’t tell me what to do just because you think two extra people per minute is efficient. It might be efficient to you but I don’t have all day to wait around, even if I did escalators aren’t how I spend my free time.