Stephen Bishop

I mean if you have the app already then your just bejng a dick at that point. I won't use Venmo because Paypal is shady AF but if you have the app why are yky going to be rude to the person who loaned yky the money?

Great now I have to look up the name of the agency responsible for racism and sexism in the work place and report yelp for this. You understand double standards aren’t supposed to be seen as a good thing right? Articles like this only justify why some men (not me) are fine with women making 80 cents on the dollar.

Asking for a double standard is why so many men feel its OK to ignore the laws requiring fair treatment. Please don’t encourage double standards it makes it hard to take you seriously.

Do youcall them out on that shit? Running awaybwont change them, it won’t force them to realize they will loose business if they don’t adapt.

How can it be civil when you start off being snarky? Is the point to create a status quo where its suddenly legal/socially acceptable to buy or do business with someone based on their sex or race again? Because I think a lot of people worked really hard to fight that mentality around the 1800's-now and while we’ve

I suggest you list your source because this is exactly how sexism works. Just like how its racist to create a race filter its sexist to create a sex filter for any business or public services. Your logic is bad and I suspect your brain is bad.

You aren’t really answering their question so much as shoeing lifehacker has a habit of shoeing support for illegal/discrimitory listings/apps. It doesn’t matter that it’s “for a good cause” white power folks used to say the same shit. We have to start treating like individuals and not their race/sex/clothing/economic

“Because I own you.”/Because you’re property/Because you aren’t a full citizen and you only have the rights I say you do. Take your pick, the jjest of it is the same. Another great one is, “because you can’t vote”. My last and kinda favorite is “ because Ibpay for every meal, shirt, and toy you have had and until

Instead of because I said so, I’d suggest “because until you’re 18 your my property and if you get hurt or sick its my problem.” Its more on point then because I said so and not nearly as bull shit let’s be honest kids are property %100. Another classic is, “because I’ve had to pay to raise you and until younpay me

Yeah but kids are usually to short sighted to care so that kind of fear mongering can't be effective can it?

How did your parents notice notice the stink behind the mint? Not to mention the filth on your tongue? Just spank the kid if they lie about hygiene. Every single time, the problem with kids these days (I’m 29, I am “kids these days” according to some) is we never faced real consequences, I never got the fear of God

Maybe bejng an uncle means my mental barrier isn’t under content attack but it’s pretty easy to deal with this. When they lie, you state because they lied they are now bejng punished and notnonly do you care its not fare, but if they complain it will be intenisifed. Judges aren’t fair, one DAT you will get yourself

“meaning my vegetarian daughter had no food titeat” She had Lasagna didn’t she? If your made her something else I hope someone age that lasagna, what with 1/5 children in this nation going to bed for reasons other then being a picky eater I think it’s silly as heck that you let her go to bed without eating.

Darn it uses yet another “store”. I'll just buy it on steam. Its only $7.50

No but it could hurt you right? I’ve heard stories of same sex couples having their reservations canceled without explanintion. Also go to the wrong city and... Let’s just say we’ve got some work to do. It was legal to lynch a gay man in this country for a looong time. If I were gay I'd be fairly cautious unless well

Omg its the same shit dude. No one gives a fick if your “cis” or other. All bigots see it as the same thing, so if they are gay friendly are you really going to suggest they wouldn’t be trans friendly and advertise on a site that says it has to be lgbtq+? If so.. Aight my bad I’m an ignorant ass. But I find it hard to

Protip: If they “don’t like your kind” don’t give them your tourism money. Those dickbags can starve. And I’m a straight Christian lol. But Jesus was clear about loving thy neighbor its just all the shitbheads who refuse to accept we all fall short think they are allowed to judge for some reason..

Gotta be honest, I believe in that bakers right to refuse to bake a cake for that same sex couple. But isn’t it blatently illegal AF to deny someone accommodations/a safe place to stay based in sexual preferences? I’m not saying I agree with the bakers choice, it was a really bad call. But you aren't going to tell me

Sounds to me like he for away with it. All he did was get a little embearsed and had to leave, she was assaulted. She should have at the very least pepper sprayed and kicked him in his nuts. The only way to stop bad behavior is to punish it. That or educate but this isn't a correctional facility in Switzerland this is

That’s because being well armed is the best derrant to being assaulted in any form. That’s why you are epexcted to carry a gun as a woman or those of us who understand its value will give you an epic amount of shit after bejng forced to do your job. Protect your own ass. A air plane is the only place its excusable to