Stephen Bishop

We men folk (especially crackers of the straight variety) tend to notice these things a lot less then they occur. Eyes wide open.

Women don’t need men to come in and save them, quite the contrary I’ve been saved by my sisters. While women are generally less capable of dishing out and receiving violence that shouldn’t slow you down from defending your rights.

The victim is expected to make the issue known, if help is needed the victim is expected to ask for help. Otherwise I expect the victim to stand up for herself and tell the shit head making contact/saying inappropriate things to stop it or get a proper Christian beat down. In my experience the biggest issue is what I

I’ll tell any woman in public the same thing I tell my sisters. Protect yourself and don’t encourage has behavior by tolerating it. If someone is being racist, punch their faces in. If someone is being sexist, punch their faces in. If someone sexually assaults you (physically nor verbally) well in my state its right

Dude screw you, as a straight white male I’ve been sexually assaulted. Get your fucking racism and sexism to the back of the line. Sure its only happened three times in my life and usually only when socializing with gay white men (the only gay black friend I ever had was never interested or at least never creepy about

Jeremy stop being a bitter dick just because you’re a failure. If you have a problem where people that work hard and get a little lucky can earn success and use that success to help their community. Both honestly and earnestly wanting to help his community.

I mean his several million dollar donation definitely achieved that. He paid for a dozens students worth of a bachelor's .

Shannon with all due respect, why does the fact he earned immense success and legally helped his daughter (potentially) on getting in mean he doesn’t deserve the same rights the rest of is do?

Nah that’s ridiculous, the customer is pissed because the product is crap it’s that simple. Sure sometimes the customer is way off base but in my experience if they are pissed its usually justified.

Yep, it’s a real mental health issue. Eroding ones own ability to think critically and independently isn’t natural or healthy. We are organic machines and that kind of “training” will cause serious issues.

Its a political party aint it? If you haven’t noticed people are usually at their worst when they are surrounded by like minded individuals. Especially when you are talking about the big two. I USED to be a Republican back during Obama’s first run. I very quickly became disenfranchised with all political party’s on

To be fair any party would, you can’t create a conspiracy if wealthy and powerful elite without that exact issue. I say ban political party’s so people won’t just default to any party when they are to lazy to research. We can ban their asses and democracy might actually start looking Democratic again. Washington

I was wondering what the scam was, a LOTTERY is not buying something. It is GAMBLING TO WIN IT.

Two things, why am I just now finding out about “Official Manual of White Excuses”? Is this how we get out of those parking tickets? Quick someone send me a copy!

That’s a good point. Let’s do the math in that. All we need to do is get the descendants that still have wealth of land/slave owning folk from slave. To turn in their receipts, then we can compare the current minimum wage (120 hour work week?) To the current cost of similar food. That’s a fairnoption. But as I am

You sound like a bitch bro.

That was over a century ago. Got anything from this mellinium? Also wasn't everything seggergated back then? Didn't women JUST get the right to serve on equal footing? Please go on about your penis problems. I'm sure many women will known exactly where you are coming from. Yes insktutinalized racism is a problem. The

Nah, you aren’t worthy of that title. Moderates are the only reason we don’t destroy this union with another .civil war. Anyone that isn’t a moderate is the problem.

Yep it’s even in a certain states constitution still that the state is allowed slaves. The 13th endment even makes exceptions for convicts. And when you outlaw something associated with a particular race or political movement you make it damn easy to enslave them. Not that I’m suggesting the cannabis issue even remotel

The fuck we are, are you high? When was the last time you looked at the prison population? You do realize slavery is %100/legal for the state right? That’s why for profit private prisons are allowed to force people to work for like 2-3 bucks a day. What is the % of people outside of prison that are black? Now do a