Stephen Bishop

You right, all White and Black people should be evicted and this nation should be given back to it’s original owners. Also anyone who’s more Spanish then Aztec, etc should be evicted. Whitey stole the land but your living on it. That’s no different then my cracker ass not owing you a damn thing. We were born, that

Yeah uh, but unless your a native American you’re the receiver of the stolen wealth, you just got the smallest allocation. Boo hoo, yes slavery was fucked but just as so many assholes have said. Most slaves were bought from the natives of African it wasn’t until near the end of the trade Europeans started kidnapping

Lol, no.

Not California? Probably for the best, I don’t want some dipshit “teaching” my kid to fear whole grains! Lol, seriously CA is the otherwise of the same coin that is Texas, both States are far to up their own asses/far right/left. This is why I think a foreign oversight committee should have final say. Let our trusted

Im all for a standard monitored/regulated at the national level. But I’m not into the idea of one state having that much influence, especially one known fornhating education. That’s coming from a guy that loves Texas and agrees with .most of their stances. They are awesome in most ways but I’d never send my kid to a

We don’t need ceryone going to college its a huge waste, if you want free college earn it, sign you for the military or get it through academic credit. I still have $5k in student loans and I didn’t even finish. College was a HUGE waste of time a skill/trade school would have made way more sense. How about instead of

Speak for your own (apparently shitty) state, we gloss over the trail of tears but there is a chapter on it in Kentucky Schools. At least people in rje class of 2010 did. I guess the current administration could have bought new book (yeah right!) that exclude that. I’m not saying we give enough attention to Americas

Respectfully I already pay taxes AND for waste management, they make a profit selling my waste if they can’t build their infrastructure to accept the product effect fively that’s their fuck up not mine. I’m not cutting them open I’m cindesning my waste to make it more space efficient. Which saves on fuel for the

Your thinking of reusable cans sir and they are what would be beat for the environment. Recycling aluminum requires LOT of energy, washing a “can” with a replaceable top would save a lot of energy.

My fruends a celiac I’m pretty sure there aren’t any options sadly. But I’ll keep my eye on this if anyone knows of something. The problem is “gluten free” usually means hispter more often then celiac, so normal cealic/not hipsters tend to get stuck with fancy organic, etc when all they want is something safe.

Sure we need education reform but thats now what got us here. It’s weird you’d suggest a lack of information is the cause when people have access to am overwhelming amount of information.

Nope this is a epic and rapid new low due to the fact one side elected a reality TV/failed businessman and theborher side a notorious gangster/obligarg. Unfortunately most sheepeople tend yk vote for “their” party. That is the only issue that has persisted, but with social media we've reached a new low. We really

Is that shroom tea you’re drinking? The UK is going to suffer no matter what they do now you’re reputation is trash. As far as this american is concerned your the southern States trying to succeed. Sure you have the legal right in this case as opposed to the CSA, but still; only a fool divides his house.

Me thinks thou doth protest to much m’lady.

Nah it’s really not. One says you have to have a degree the other says the degree needs to be fresh. Implying its a entry level position and making it clear who they are looking for. Sure some people go to college late in life but look at the graduation rate numbers and it looks like they are bejng she discriminatory

Are you high? Seriously are you in some sort of mind effecting drug? His can you nitnubdersrand the difference between structural and code? Its like night or day. I bet your the same jackoff that thinks people that call themselves a “Computer Doctor” present papers proving their are a medical doctor too huh?

Last thing we need to do is address the cultural issues allowing for a person to justify such actions. Last thing we need to do is push for caste reactions to danger rather then hoping to ban all causes and that no new ones will be made. Last thing we should be doing is blaming the criminals who illegally exported

Sounds to me like your police need to get their shit together. Or rather the New Zealand Police, its not our fault your cops can’t keep something from 1/2 around the world according to you from getting inside their boarders. Maybe if Muslims were allowed to arm themselves like Christians do at church less innocent

“Just like New Zealand will”, can you predict the future? Considering their insanely tight gun laws haven’t helped them prevent criminals from breaking the laws I don’t see why toy are refusing to explain howna ban would. As for “taking” what we already own, wow your not smart to suggest such illegal actions. That

Maybe don’t use a candy flavored toothpaste? I’ve only ever used the mint stuff and as a kid I was told once I only need about a peas worth. It’s not rocket science any five year old can master loading their own toothpaste.