
It’s modern, just last gen. I don’t get why people are so averse to hooking up multiple systems, or keeping old ones around for those very same old games you demand modern systems play. It’s not like we’re talking about a SNES, here, the PS3 is still a very modern, very capable system.

Then get a 1st gen PS3, like I have. Plays my PSX and PS2 titles beautifully.

I don’t have this issue with airports, but I do (hilariously so) with remembering if I locked my damn car! With my old Grand Am, I had no keyless entry, so all it took was a simple tug of the handle to confirm it was locked. With my Honda Fit, it has keyless entry, so I wait for that honking confirmation that it’s

Couple things, from my early experiences.

You know, I always wondered how their (people suffering from agoraphobia) well being might benefit from Riyadh-style houses with a central, fully enclosed (by the house, not a ceiling) courtyard. I know that for most, leaving the house at all is a near-impossible challenge, but what if we tried placing them in housing

You’re right! It will work with newer power supplies, until the mains power drops and it reverts to the stepped sine wave from the battery, at which point your equipment shuts off if it’s smart, or completely fucking dies. Seriously, do your research or be quiet.

You’re right! It will work with newer power supplies, until the mains power drops and it reverts to the stepped sine

Active PFC power supplies aren’t compatible with stepped/emulated sine waves produced by el cheapo UPS systems like this. This is a known issue. Any reputable UPS company will flat out say so when asked. It’s also usually buried in the user manual that nobody really bothers to read.

Active PFC power supplies aren’t compatible with stepped/emulated sine waves produced by el cheapo UPS systems like

Yes, quit spewing BS, when every single reputable UPS maker (even APC) will flat out tell you that Active PFC power supplies of any variety are incompatible with stepped and/or emulated sine wave output UPSes. I can’t count the number of clients who cheap out and get these consumer bricks that don’t save their

Yes, quit spewing BS, when every single reputable UPS maker (even APC) will flat out tell you that Active PFC power

I find the folks complaining about the “endless grinding” are traditional MMO players used to reaching a level cap as soon as possible, followed immediately by raiding. In that context, yes, there’s a lot of grinding this time around.

That's actually why I like their comics. I may not get all the jokes/punchlines, but those I do get are rather cleverly done.

The game in question is Guild Wars 2, and the first panel outlines that character’s personal story background.

Very nice write-up! I’m seriously considering attempting to make my own replacement cable for my HD800, given that the default Sennheiser cable has a material weakness in the jack to the cans (it’s brittle plastic inside, which sheared right off after one slight knock; replacements are $300). Now if I can convince my

The 5% comes in with DACs, Amps, and if you believe the snake oil, cables. Given that the current recommendation for headphones is “Whatever suits your fancy”, that 5% also falls into that category, and will always be debated about due to subjective differences.

The 555’s (558 predecessor) were my first big ass-kick into high-end headphones. They convinced me to buy a pair of Grado SR60i cans for my Zune, and B&W P5s when my Grado’s broke. They were also the nefarious gateway drug to my custom HD800 cans that currently provide brilliant audio in my PC games (along with one

No, you actually don’t. If you’re flying on a 3x3 seating arrangement plane, and your bag doesn’t fit properly without going sideways, then you need to check it or look into a new bag. I don’t recall any airline having a, “if you’re not comfortable, you get to break other rules to compensate for it” exception.

For all the folks bickering about recline/don’t recline, here’s a very simple solution: ASK THE PERSON BEHIND YOU. I’m pretty sure most folks will be okay with it! Some, however, won’t (like me, on most legacy carriers, due to my tall frame and thick bones), and you should respect that. We’re all sharing a hollow

Not gonna lie, I almost yelled “Shut up, Mal!” when he asked, “Did you break my stealth drive?”

See, I’m used to it. I always view these things as a sort of lore joke. “I JUST took down Atherion LAST WEEK. Guardians DIED, and all this time you’ve had better GREEN ENGRAMS?!”

I think that, on the whole, Dinklebot fit better with the game themes. He sounded more regal, more mysterious, and more experienced in many cases, whereas North comes off as aloof, a novice, a new character in the grand scheme of things.

I hope BA politely refuses any sort of service to the folks who took baggage with them during an emergency evacuation. Or that the FAA fines their dumbasses.