
Idk about you, but I would take 6 weeks in a fluffy bed (no thanks on the bed pan) over the drudgery of my day job in a hot second. A HOT SECOND.

Any manager who would have a conversation like this is someone who isn’t very bright and who doesn’t hold very much power, so they cling to all the rules and technicalities (and sometimes made up shit) to lord over their employees (in lieu of real management) and make themselves feel bigger. Any decent manager

But even beyond the obvious racism, it’s so damned stupid for retail management not to know better. Might as well hang up a banner that says “Sue Me!”.

Now playing

We’re focusing on all the wrong things from this year’s program because we’re not talking about this

I like that probable-alien Ted Cruz is eating aluminum foil.

Yeah, those filthy Vietnamese with their delicious banh mi and their heavenly pho, they oughta...

Oh my god! A celebrity has their own opinions but knows how to be respectful to people she doesnt agree with!? how crazy is that!?

Everyone on either side of the Hillary/Bernie divide needs to have all the fucking seats and shut the hell up already. I might not survive until November.

Yeah, fuck you.... West Virginia is every bit as important as NY, MD, VA, MA, or any other state on the east coast. Don’t believe it? Try living without the electricity that allows you to make power the computer you use to make stupid, needlessly hateful comments from.

JFC. Democrats are being handed this election to them on a silver fucking platter, and they want to set it on fire. Support your candidate, don’t denigrate the other, and whoever wins the nod, vote -D. It’s really not that fucking hard.

2) Great relationships on both sides of the isle.

Is this satire? I can’t tell.

I clicked on the link. This place is at 110 Wall Street. The paradox of living in the Financial District is that it’s very underpopulated compared to the rest of Manhattan (but growing with every passing day) and yet the housing stock is almost exclusively among the priciest (“luxurious” as Donald Trump would say) in

Oh man, sign me up for the AirBnB that includes Tyra Mail!

Ooookaayyyyy, but when do they start voting each other out, or whatever? How often do they get Tyra mail? Is there a Confessional?

No and no. Please do some reading. Bernie is helping progressive candidates all over the country. These fundraisers are NOT for down ballot races. The money primarily goes to Hillary.

Don’t believe me? Consider what has happened to the Democratic Party since the Clintons came to power. We have lost ground at every

it’s certainly a nice spot of town there’s no denying it. But Gold coast is definitely the “nicest” part of town. But then again it also depends heavily on what you look for in a residence.

“ of Chicago’s best neighborhoods...”? I would put money on most Chicagoans disagreeing that Streeterville is one of our best neighborhoods.

Except that the gentrifiers in SF are disproportionately South and East Asian, but don’t let actual facts get in the way of a simplistic race-baitey argument.