
To be honest, I’m at 16% body fat and I think I am fat, but that is because I am a psycho about myself. BUT I honestly never think what someone else’s body fat is. Like that is never a thought in my head, like how can you determine from plain sights? Like thats insane!

I know a guy who does this! He belittles other guys so they are more likely to sleep with him. It’s a weird strategy. Dating world is weird. He tries this shit on me all the time, like complaining I should be chubby again, he feels so bad, why am I working out? Where are your abs? And Im like, shut it! I've seen the

But he is pretty......... So wanna hook a guy up? Hahah

Mmmm who is this? And how can I bang him and maybe get court side tickets?

I know this is hilarious, and you are spot on! But I've always wondered what they must think of these career women who oppose their world view and place of the woman. Like the children have been exposed to them, a lot via the today show, I wonder what kind mental gymnastics they must go through

Wait! They get perms to make their hair like this??! I thought maybe they were just unfortunate souls who's hair did this naturally or something when it grew so long! Noting, I don't know women's hair AT ALL! Even more so coming from a family of fine straight haired people who couldn't get it to do anything if they

This is my exact same thought! Where do I sign up for this?

Hey! Loved the article!

I have a birthday a few days before Christmas. I never really had parties growing up, except for 16. Between the holiday and school break, no one was available really. It's honestly stills hard to get people to do birthdays shananigans, but it's als understanable now

Yaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssss! Now, serious question: can I get involved with these two? Cause yes please!

Thanks! I live in Wisconsin, but I'd check it out if I'm the region. I think it'd be amazing and I don't see $20 being too much for the experience! Tigers have been one of my favorites since I was a kid

Where is that? Sounds really interesting!

I haven’t seen in a while, and I would watch on adult swim. But her name and country of living wouldn’t affect her appearance since, and correct me if I’m wrong, cause again a long time, but wasn’t her mind and memories put into a whole new robotic body in a post apocalyptic new Tokyo?? So in theory, she could be any

Bae is Danish for poop! The more you know!

You know to look for the true signs of a move! Smart cookie you are!

I'm not saying he lacks or ever lacked citizenship. I'm mostly pointing out the hypocrisy of the far right birther movement which for years complained Obama somehow wasn't a citizen, yet too questions in this guy

This confuses me too! I looked it up, and his mother was an Amerian citizen when he was born, but his father was still a Cuban citizen, not american at the Time of his birth (he later became a full citizen, but not by the birth of Ted). I'm not saying he's disqaulified, I just hope Fox News and Trump spends as much on

I don't know..... Aaron Shock is doing a pretty good job at being the most barely closeted congressman....

I guess I understand the context. I just often hear people who almost loved to get off emotionally from people coming out, or I knew a guy who was like, "it was so emotional it was all about me". And I've always been weary of that thinking. To me, it was never a big deal, was just a part of my life and just seemed

ok! I'm curious, why was it so emotional for you?