
Wait... Wait.... Wait...... Kanye's in the art world?!!! Really ?!!! Really?!!!!!!

oh yes! Completely! Both genders can be real assholes! Not saying this is a woman thing, but the stories I had heard were about women because only men are are submarines.

my older brother was in the navy, and let's just say, women (wives and girlfriends) were typically not looked upon well on his sub. Most had horrific stories and I believe the navy had teams of lawyers for just these issues. A few of the gems my brother told me included: a wife divorced him and sold their house and

I wonder if you asked the people of Iraq and they could answer honestly if they prefer their country before under Hussein or after post American reconstruction. Which they would choose. I truly do wonder this..... Cause both most likely have their Pros and Cons

*really intoxicating* curse my iPad typing!

Gay man here! And I was in Europe last World Cup which the energy is really I toxic sting and easy to get into!

Out! I'm not ever gonna be/look that good whilst dancing, I'm throwing the towel in. If you need me I'll be at bar.....

So, I will say this as someone who has been rejected many, many MANY TIMES!!!!! And I mean, I've been rejected once I was naked with someone else and they go, "I'm not feeling this" where I awkwardly put clothing on as quickly as possible to run out because you know shame and ego! Hahaha. So first I wanna say, it

How does Lindsay Lohan do anything?! She's broke, right?! Like how can she afford Cannes and jet setting, she hasn't really worked in like a decade. (Also, can I take a decade long vacation from working and do Cannes?!)

I know! Because fuck me, a billion, I just can't even. Right now I chat even imagine 1.9 million, well I can, and I imagine it's fairly nice. If he wants to donate to the make my networth 1.9 million fund...... I mean, I'm here! Hahahahaha

one small correction: his net worth is 1.9billion, not 1.9 million. But otherwise, I believe you are definitely correct on all accounts!

Not too be that person, but this one hit me wrong! But should read more like.

I agree 100% SOOOO STRIAGHT,

The young gay boy in me may or may not have learned the dance moves....... I'm sure we all know which option happened!

can we talk about the early 2000s obsessionwith people walking on the wall and ceiling and also my mad love for this song!

Versailles is where Louis XIV famously lived in the 1600s. It's also where Marie Antoinette lived with her hubby Louis the XVI and was trashed for her lavish lifestyle. She famously said "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche" — translated, "Let them eat cake," referring to the common folk who bitched at her.

I said this yesterday and I will say this again

I would also like to say it's the same network that cancelled Happy Endings!! #STILLNOTOVERIT!!!

Thank god!!! I've missed my limes! They've been 5 time more expensive then usual here lately, it's so close to margarita season! I know, I know, priorities! But seriously, marg season!

I can only say this for the viewpoint from the child, because obviously we all are someone's child! (Also just a side note: but a lot of people saying who would ever have kids, they're idiots! Your parents had you!!). But in recent years as my siblings and I have gotten older, I'm the youngest of three, how my parents