Holy shit. I thought that was untouchable. Man...these people are impossibly evil...
Holy shit. I thought that was untouchable. Man...these people are impossibly evil...
Trump supporters blamed Obama for 9/11. Reason has no place here.
Ding ding ding!
Is he a descendant of PGT Beauregard, the man who fired on Fort Sumter and started the Civil War? Because...that seems entirely plausible.
Oh my goodness this is going to be fun as hell.
Hey, you’re right! You know, this is kind of fun.
I recently heard a rumor from a college classmate of Kushner’s that he had (or is still having—it was unclear) a lengthy affair with his male hairdresser. No clue if there’s a shred of truth to it—and since nothing good ever happens, I wouldn’t bet on it—but a boy can dream...
On the plus side, at least you don’t have a constellation of frightening personality disorders?
Seriously though, some of those are doubles...right? Right?!
I truly do not believe confronting these horrible people with their own bullshit would have any impact. That includes his mouth-breathing supporters. Reason has no place here.
My days of wanting to be nice to everyone ended about a third of the way through November. Fuck em. Let the people who voted for him show some personal responsibility and pull themselves up by their own bootstraps. I’ll be limiting my concern to non-fascists.
I realize that it’s a bit perverse, but I find articles like these put a big ol’ smile on my face: http://www.vox.com/2016/12/13/13901874/obamacare-trump-voter-health-insurance-repeal
Only sometimes?! Since November 8th, I’m hating this country basically all of the time.
It wasn’t even Mein Kampf! (That’s too boring and hard to read.) It was a collection of Hitler’s speeches.
My parents and I were talking last night about how we cannot believe how different he is from his father. The apple fell far, far, far from the tree on this one.
Starting Strength is fantastic, and absolutely an excellent way to start. (I did Starting Strength at first, then transitioned to 5-3-1, which is a more intermediate program that’s kept me quite happy and strong.) Definitely read the entire book first—his detailed notes on form are invaluable.
It’s actually worse. He ties it so the short end doesn’t reach the loop. He’s not even missing the loop—he’s just not reaching it.
Exactly. This is an important point. Trump looks awful (in those expensive fucking Brioni suits) not because he’s a fat, but because he has no taste and even less sense. He could afford excellent tailoring, obviously. And excellent tailoring can make anyone look good. But literally everything he does—including getting…
I just kind of assume they hate Jews a teensy weensy bit less than Muslims? Because that campaign got pretty anti-Semitic.
And I’ve heard that it’s extremely hard to raise taxes in California. Is that true? As in, harder than in other states?