I actually wouldn't mind a spin off type game, as long as the spinoff fit into canon and got a Vita version. I still haven't played Festival of Blood, though I've heard good things.
I actually wouldn't mind a spin off type game, as long as the spinoff fit into canon and got a Vita version. I still haven't played Festival of Blood, though I've heard good things.
I actually suggested that idea in a Speakup, but doing it now after P2 would be looked at as blatant copying. Just let the Infamous IP rest, and maybe get a reboot next gen.
All mulitplats. Bleh. I think when talking about a dearth of Vita games, everyone (including myself) is referring to exclusives. There are a handful of titles from that list I may pick up though, like Sly Cooper, Jet Set Radio, and Lego Batman 2. BTW, how did you get an E3 pass? Are you retail?
Here is my problem with Sony's conference. Tretton kept talking about how important E3 is and how each conference is remembered for years in the future. Sony then goes and does everything they said they would not do. They showed two new Vita games, and wasted 15 minutes on Wonderbook (which admittedly is a cool…
I'm not a South Park guy, so I will be passing. Stone and Wilson were funny though.
As a desperate Vita owner, I need names. Can you give me a list?
I have no idea why Sony didn't show Killzone Vita. From all accounts, Cambridge is making a great game.
West and Zampella were at EA's conference. I was hoping for a surprise announcement, but obviously didn't happen.
Montreal is also working on Watch_Dogs and R6 Patriots. So yeah, they need those 2000 employees.
There is nowhere else to go in the Infamous IP. Both endings of 2 don't particularly lend themselves well to a third game. SP is probably working on a new PS4 IP.
Where is my Ghost Recon Vita, FFX HD, and KH HD?!
Has to be considered vaporware at this point, or moved to PS4. Clearly the whole Ueda situation screwed things up.
More importantly, Rick Astley is in the game.
They even showed another player on stage. The multiplayer reveal is what really impressed me about Watch Dogs. Ubisoft has something special on their hands.
The SP looked great by itself, but when they showed that multiplayer reveal...wow. Game of the Show for sure. Ubi Montreal continues to impress.
Sony has that new Quantic Dream game and Vita releases to tease, so it should be a great show.
Only decent thing was new Splinter Cell. The rest was bleh.
No Alan Wake 2 after it was heavily teased. Instead, Usher performed. I am disappoint Microsoft,
Really? I was guessing. Where did you hear this?
Conviction randomly being Xbox exclusive pissed me off to no end. Since Ubisoft's relationship with Sony has drastically improved since then, I'm sure Blacklist will come to PS3 and maybe Vita.