
9 PM. I think it was the 6th last year.

New Quantic game would be great. I would also love Last of Us gameplay, as it hasn't been shown yet in public.

I have a Mac, so no. I would have to get a 360 to play AW. Type 0 for PSP would make no sense IMO. The PSP is dead in the West, so sales would be awful. Just a Vita release in HD would be great. Sly Cooper is pretty much a lock to receive a release date, and Sony will probably show a new ancestor.

I think PS1 support for Vita is a lock to be announced tonight. Wouldn't be surprised if PS2 support was announced as well. An FFX HD update, with more footage and a release date, would be awesome. Hope Square shows that and KH HD.

I bought a Vita at launch, and it has been well worth it. More games and a price cut wouldn't hurt though. The Bioshock spinoff isn't currently being worked on FYI. It only currently exists as a concept. Liberation by itself may justify my Vita purchase. From what we've heard (open world, multiplayer, new protagonist)

The new system is terrible. It may end up driving me elsewhere.

Most looking forward to Sony's presser tonight. I think Sony has some megabomb Vita game announcements up their sleeves (like CoD, Ghost Recon, FF Type 0 HD) and seeing GoW SP and Last of Us in action will be exciting. I'll be watching Microsoft's conference if only for Blops 2 footage and Alan Wake 2 news. If AW2 is

You have to be press or retail to get a badge. E3 isn't open to the public like other shows.

Sony is still going to have a great presser, whether they show this game or not. There's plenty of Vita games to be shown, and the GoW Ascension SP will likely be making its debut. Plus more Last of Us, LBP Kart, and whatever other surprises Sony has up its sleeve (hopefully Guerilla shows that new IP they've been

Browsing on GAF, many think the KH HD games may happen, but not in one package and not including 358/2 Days. There is a decent chance this rumor is real with those qualifiers.

KH and AC3 Vita may be happening. There is a rumor going around that every KH game to date minus 3DS is going to be put into an HD anniversary bundle for Vita, PS3, and Wii U, with additional side quests to tie the games together. Square is supposed to be announcing it next week. Wouldn't be surprised in the least if

The PSP is dead in the West, whether you like it or not. A Vita release is the only shot for the West to get Type-0. And have you heard of HD remakes? A hypothetical Vita release of either of these games would obviously have upscaled graphics and updated controls.

Picked up Burning Skies yesterday. I'm about 60% done with the campaign and I've played a bit of multiplayer (whenever I can get into a lobby). Thoroughly mediocre is probably the best description I'd give. Campaign is decent- the story is semi intriguing, and the graphics minus facial expressions are good. The

Type-0 for Vita. BBS Final Mix for Vita. GIMME!

Apparently Nihilistic works game by game, so they most likely started development February/March 2011 (PS Move Heroes came out March 2011). That means they had a bit over a year to complete an expected AAA shooter. A year doesn't work- look at CoD3. Nihilistic is a mediocre studio, but mediocre studios can pull off

I love the game. The story is trash, but the actual missions are very well done. Haven't played multi or co op yet, so add me on PS3- bmc811.

I'm willing to bet Burning Skies was rushed. It looks like, from their product release schedule, that Nihilistic maybe had 18 months to complete the game. Shame too. I thought Burning Skies could have been something special.

Jim does decent reviews when he isn't pissed off, but when he is, I avoid Dtoid like the plague. I'm going to pick up Burning Skies in about an hour, so we'll see if that review was even semi valid.

You have to keep in mind that the Dtoid review is a Jim Sterling one, and when he gets pissed, he destroys games. Unfortunately, the GamesRadar review wasn't much better.

Same here. I still may (have it preordered at GS), but these reviews are absolutely atrocious. I need something to tide me over until Gravity Rush though.