
Can't say I blame you- AC is a great game (slowly working through it myself). And splendid. Always looking for some people to play BF3 with, especially since my friends are CoD addicts.

I saw the thread. Problem is that my Internet connection sucks and I'm out of space on my PS3 HDD. I do own a fair chunk of those games though, so I might be able to delete some PS3 stuff temporarily. Hmm... Thanks dude.

And still no decent Vita releases. I really need something to tide me over until Resistance and Gravity Daze.

These decisions reflect the general mindset over at NBC though. The leadership is absolutely incompetent and stuck in a mindset that is way behind the times. The pilots they have for next season (minus Revolution) sound terrible. A Matthew Perry comedy? Really?

Coulson is supposed to be in IM3. I actually live where IM3 is being filmed, so if I see Clark Gregg around, we'll know for sure.

Full Dark, No Stars (awesome short story collection), Salem's Lot (great vampire thriller) and Hearts in Atlantis (60's coming of age story) are some of my favorites by King.

Battlefield 3 double XP weekend. Add me on PS3 (bmc811) if you want someone to play with. Also, Swordigo iOS is free today, and Batman AA:Lockdown is a buck.

Been singing this all day. One of TLIs greatest songs.

Revolution looks great, but after the absolute failure of Alcatraz (another Abrams show I was psyched about) I'm keeping my hopes realistic.

I am convinced NBC is doing everything in its power to try and kill Community. And if Harmon doesn't come back, that's bad news all around. There's a reason NBC is the fourth place network, and it's because of stupid decisions like this and keeping the Office around.

No, it's a legitimate Second Cold War that goes hot when Menendez attacks LA at the start of Blops2.

Willing to bet Treyarch takes the easy route out though and just focus on Menendez. If I remember correctly, Homefront, as well as the upcoming Red Dawn remake, were going to focus on China as their main respective baddie, but changed their scripts once each company was told that anyone associated with the projects

60 FPS is not the end all be all IMO. While locked in 60 FPS is a nice thing to have, I'd rather have 30 and better graphical fidelity.

As others have already pointed out, the graphics are terrible. Battlefield 3 raised the bar in that department, and then Treyarch comes out with...this. I don't think Woods blinks the entire trailer. Environments look shoddy, and character models meet the same low standard as other CoD games. The scene at 0:42, with

I guess we'll see tonight.

I think Eclipse will be the Vita version. Different campaign, but same multiplayer maps so we can cross platform with PS3 (along with some Vita exclusive ones, like Wipeout did). Here's hoping at least.

Now playing

Haven't been this excited for a cartoon in years. I may have to get DXD just for this show.

Most non gamers don't know Ratchet or Cole, true. Mario, Link, and Kirby are all icons that have transcended gaming (along with Sonic and a few others). But the gaming crowd that this is aimed at is familiar with the major Sony franchises. And that's what is important. Having Nathan Drake, Kratos, and Sly Cooper will

CoD Vita was mentioned at the original NGP unveiling. Hasn't been talked about since though.

Helghast are confirmed. That was Colonel Radek you saw fighting. Chimera have to be locks, as well as many of the characters you mentioned. Heck, Cole is already in a fighting game!