
You could say the same for Nintendo. Fire Emblem, Kid Icarus, etc. aren't all that popular in the West, yet Ninty includes characters from them. SSB mainly relies on Pokemon, Mario, Zelda, and Kirby. Sony has just as many popular and viable franchises to pull from. Cole, Nathan Drake, Jak, and Ratchet are all locks,

You're absolutely right- Sony needs to diversify the IPs coming on this system. But the thing has been out for two months. On the PS3, the big first party IPs really didn't start dropping until 2009, when we got Uncharted 2, Killzone 2, and Infamous. That was three years after launch. And I think Sony has learned its

Sony owns the FF7 IP. So yes, Cloud and Sephiroth will be in this game.

This! Most underrated candy bar ever. Unfortunately, my local grocery stores no longer sell them. Thanks, I'm craving now.

Resistance and Gravity Daze, both of which look phenomenal, are coming within the next month. And CoD Vita (the real system seller IMO) has been promised for fall. Plus Killzone and other titles of that nature have been announced without release dates. So software isn't about to be the issue.

That engine has ridiculously low requirements. On a technical level, it is certainly feasible.

No, it's not corny at all. I had extremely similar emotions. The last quarter of the game reminded me that there's pitfalls in life, but I'll get through them, hopefully with help from some friends. And I'm Christian, so the light at the end meant paradise.

First CoD I'm looking forward to in years thanks to the promised Vita version. Treyarch, find a way for cross play between Vita and PS3 and you will have multiple copies bought. This is going to be a great fall!

Either one is perfect. Thanks for the compliment. Just trying to describe this amazing game.

Thanks dude! Love to see positive feedback. What did you think about the ending?

It's Slant Six. They're the opposite of Midas. Every established IP they touch turns to mush.

I want an Ender's Game adaption so bad. Better than the upcoming movie, which sounds just terrible.

Warning: Major Journey spoilers ahead

This. Jake the Fake had sucked the life out of me, but Newton has me more excited about the NFL than I've been in years. Great time to be an NC sports fan (minus the Canes and Bobcats of course- though I don't consider the Cats to be a real NC team).

Going to be explored in Halo 4. Hopefully 343 goes the non Hollywood route and lets her die.

Infamous 1 and 2, aka the best games of this generation. Warhawk is another great game that hasn't been recommended. In regards to Resistance vs Killzone, I've found KZ to be the better series. SP is good and the MP in 3 is world class.

This. Radiant Dawn was so amazing. Have 300+ hours in it.

But asking 300,000 people to give $50 to a still in development game, one that doesn't have a demo or any reviews, is extremely unlikely. If the game sucks, people are out $50.

Problem is that it would take $15 million plus to finish a AAA console game like this and have it be of any quality. Plus, the basic game reward would have to start at at least $50 (give backers a $10 discount from retail). Using those numbers (and I think the 15 mil is a little low) it would take 300,000 backers.