
Same applies to prequels I suppose.

And of course we get another prequel. Shame-I wanted a Norse game.

Now I'm really hoping this happens. Be nice to your underlings, PC players!

The need for a large community is why the game is F2P. I expect the vast majority of PSN players will at least give Dust a shot due to the lack of cost. Even if only 10% stick, that's still a couple million players, which is 5 times more than the current subscription base for EVE (currently at 400,000). I for one will

...The story is why it would make no sense for another Infamous. Both karmic endings of 2 end Cole's story arc. Dont get me wrong- I want more Infamous. By no means would 3 main games in a generation be milking the IP. But, the story makes it impossible for I3 without jumping the shark/switching protagonists.

infamous 3 ain't happening if Sony has any sense at all. I'd also be surprised if another PS3 Uncharted was being worked on. I'd have no issues with another Vita Uncharted though.

Hi Kotaku! Just got back from singing at Carnegie Hall Sunday. I feel fairly terrible, but that's what New York does I guess. On my trip, I played the surprisingly well done Max Payne Mobile. I was skeptical of Rockstar after the terrible GTA3 port, but thankfully MP controls really well. I never played it last gen,

Reddit has good bits and bad bits. The bad bits are definitely the atheist circlejerk crap that infects a fair amount of users, as well as the front page (r/atheism should not be a default subreddit IMO, and I'd say that even if I wasn't Christian). IamAs are normally pretty good, as well as most of the AskReddits.

I go to a Christian high school in NC. So yeah, we have to be doubly careful. We plan on getting the major pranks approved by the administration just to cover our butts even more. Takes a bit of fun out of it, but no prank is worth jail time/ not graduating.

They did add some new dev talent to be fair. But yeah, you're probably right.

Asked this on Reddit but since all I seem to be getting is troll answers, I'll ask it here. Any good senior prank ideas? My class needs to pull off something brilliant, and I'm sure the power of the Interwebs can give me some good ideas.

So, Spark isn't doing Battlefront 3? Not sure whether to be excited or disappointed.

Third person shooter mixed with flying elements. No SP unfortunately, but the MP more than makes up for that (IMO, you do seem like the SP type though). Starhawk will have an SP campaign though.

Warhawk. Just do it and you'll thank me later. One of the best MP experiences I have had this gen. Its sequel, Starhawk, is also looking very promising (and there's currently an open beta for it).

I know you were joking, but Nolan voices Desmond.

Resistance and Gravity Daze are coming in the next month or so. Sony does need to increase the PSP game selection though.

Lumines all the way. That game is so amazing. Give the Unit 13 demo a try before making a decision on it. I enjoyed it, while my friends did not, so it seems to be a either love it or hate it game. If you can find Uncharted for $35-$40, there's enough content to justify that price. It's a decent game, but not worth

Elantris is a Sanderson standalone novel. It's very, very good.

Own it, haven't finished reading it yet. For some reason, it didn't click like the trilogy did for me. I think I'll go give it another shot.

Mistborn is amazing. If you like Sanderson, you're in for a treat. Have you read Elantris?