
Did you get the latest update? It's well on the way to being a good port.

Lumines. All the way.

Can anyone point me to some KoTOR and CoD4 mods that work for Mac? Thanks in advance.

I saw it with a friend of mine, who hated it, but I can't trust him anymore after he gushed over Transformers 3. I rather enjoyed it. As you say, Chronicle was a nice change of pace from the typical crap we normally get in January and February. Can't wait for the sequel, as I thought Matt didn't get enough screen time.

If you count MI coming out in 2012, Renner is going to have a main role in three major action franchises this year. I think it's safe to say 2012 is going to be his, like 2011 was Ryan Gosling's.

I like Jeremy Renner. He was fantastic in Hurt Locker and MI Ghost Protocol. If anyone can fill Damon's shoes, it's Renner. And I know! Ed freaking Norton! I had no idea he was signed on, so seeing him was an awesome surprise.

I have the game on my iPad. The sound and graphic design are top notch, almost equalling its console big brother. Controls are my only quibble. It is well worth your time and cash.

The scenario you're talking about will never happen. Kickstarter approves all projects themselves and wouldn't allow that type of bullcrap on their site. Welcome to Kotaku BTW.

Dead Space mobile is so darn good. Get it ASAP and prepare to have your pants scared off.

This. His Joystiq columns were one of the highlights of my Friday.

Was wondering where you were going after you announced you weren't writing for Joystiq anymore, Jason. Loved your RPG columns, so it's great to see you over here!

You do realize X-Com is getting a legitimate update, right?

Syndicate should be renamed "hold the L2 button". Seriously, you'll be doing a lot of that. Despite this, I am enjoying the demo. If anyone wants to co op, PSN is bmc811.

PSN is bmc811. I'll be playing it on and off this week.

Posted about this in Speakup, but got no responses. Anyone else playing the new AC game for iOS? If you are, add me-bmc811.

Just Cause 2. Same vibe as RF, but with slightly less destruction. Give it a shot.

Black Ops is only good because of Zombies. Have you tried Kino der Toten? It's one of the better maps Treyarch has done.

This is going to sound kind of weird, but I've been obsessed with the show Revenge as of late. Is it soap operaish? Yes, but it is just so compelling that it's my new guilty pleasure. For books, I picked up the Mistborn trilogy by Brendan Sanderson on the recommendation of a Kotakiute and I have not been disappointed.