
But Sony isn't the worst culprit.

But Sony isn't the worst culprit.

Well, Type Zero hasn't come out in the West yet. I do agree with you though- games like BBS and VC2 should be on this list.

Everyone does it dude: [] Check that link out. It's never been just Sony.

Movies have trailers, and you can often try out electronics and furniture in store (not the most ideal environment, but it's something). I agree with you though. This dude is acting butthurt for no reason.

I'm hoping for Just Cause 3 with a PS Vita port and co-op. How awesome would it be to play something like JC on a portable?

TBH I don't mind that. I love some new toys to play with.

Hoping for a Niners win. But that's just me.

Just Cause 2 is phenomenal (yes, that's how big my backlog is- I'm finally getting to games from 2010). I never knew a game could be this wildly stupid and fun. Is the DLC worth it? I'd love to support Avalanche in some way since I bought the game used. Also, anyone else planning on picking up the Syndicate reboot?

Really? I found him useful for part 1 but beyond that he couldn't hold his own. But I suck at FE, so maybe that was just the way I played.

It sucks we never got the sequel to that game. Do you know if there's an English translation floating around for it?

Sothe in RD is another great example of this phenomenon.

I'm guessing you don't have a PS3? 2012 is going to be a great year exclusive wise. Multiplat will be rather meh.

Welcome to Kotaku. Excellent points BTW.

I'm not even sure it was iPad GOTY. Don't get me wrong, I'm playing through S&S EP right now and really enjoying it. The sound is top notch and I love the whole EP concept. But the game is very finicky like most of the staff said. And in a year filled with great iPad games, I personally would not have picked this one.

Dead Space and Mirror's Edge were the first two games I bought for my new iPad. Both are 99 cents and some of the best games available on iOS. Dark Meadow is amazing. Seconding that recommendation.

There's been coverage of it before. Wish I had a PC so I could bite.

Dolphin Browser is your friend. It is on Android. Really easy to change the user agent so the site thinks you're coming from a computer.

Threadless is amazing.

For those wondering why Sony's freaking out over a positive review, the embargo was set until the 13th for a reason. The 13th is a bit over a week before the movie releases wide. Having extremely early reviews sets a bad precedent for other reviewers (because now they want to get their reviews out) and early reviews,