
Music fans should be excited because LOVE could be the first step in a new wave of artists getting involved with movies. As far as I can remember, we haven't had a major musical artist-movie collaboration like LOVE in quite a few years. Immortals is either going to be really good or really bad. I'm obviously hoping

That potshot at Nintendo at the end of the article was uncalled for and unprofessional. "But as much Nintendo is trying to prove otherwise, the future isn't here yet." Four million units sold without any decent games is pretty darn good in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, I'm backing the Vita in this race, and I do

Should have said for Americans. Sorry mate, editing now.

My issue with this new adaption is that The Stand is a LONG book. One movie won't work for a solid adaption. No problem with Affleck directing though, as Gone Baby Gone and The Town proved his credentials. Plus, if he directs, he's supposed to be starring as Stu as well, which is a great casting choice.

Now playing

11/11/11 is shaping up to be quite the day for entertainment releases (in America, at least). In fact, it's probably the best day in recent memory in regards to the variety of stuff releasing that day. The biggest release is of course Skyrim, but let's look at the four other major productions coming out that day (and

Don't want to brag too much but...I got a hard copy of Vice Verses Thursday night. Signed. For $10. Which happened to be the same price as the ticket (bragging over). Anyway Vice Verses is a phenomenal record- Dark Horses and The War Inside are some of Switchfoot's best tracks yet. Heard a bit of Needtobreathe on our

Pretty much this. They are absolutely phenomenal yet they aren't flashy. One of the best alt pop bands currently making music IMO.

Now playing

Saw these guys Thursday night with Switchfoot. Absolutely insane show. In gaming news, my PS3 is strangely refusing to connect to my TV. Which sucks because it's been raining all this weekend (aka perfect excuse to game). I may have to call in a professional on this one because of the weird home theater setup my

Peacock needs to spread his wings!

Definitely check out the SM demo. It's a ton of fun. Unfortunately, the game came out in a weird release spot so a purchase is going to have to wait :/. Worth a rental though.

Backlog is massive so not entirely sure yet. Still haven't beaten LA Noire, which I may just restart to play through with all of the DLC. I've barely touched FFXIII and Oblivion. Heck, I've still got PS2 games I want to play (original KH and FFX). Thankfully, I'll probably only be getting 7-8 games this fall, three of

Surprisingly IGN is seeming to be the review that most people are agreeing with (9). Haven't played R3 yet but I'll be giving it a rental soon.

Lol at that. Rivers all the way.

Fair enough on Johnson (his holdout didn't exactly endear himself to me either). I think Rice is going to have a great season so he definitely isn't a bad second choice.

Completely agree. I've gotten to the point where I'll play some games on easy (the horror!) just to avoid dying repeatedly because of some flawed design decision. I also hate missing stuff in games like Deus Ex or Oblivion, so having the wiki/gamefaq open is a must. Call me casual, I don't care. I just want enjoyment.

Gamers, it's your duty to read All Your Base are Belong to Us by Harold Goldberg. The best book I have ever read regarding video games, culture, etc. It's by no means a definitive look at gaming, but rather the highlights of the past 50 years, which was a smart way to do the book by making it a reasonable length.

Already replied to Revanchist but I would love in. Email's bmc811 at if that's what you need for registration.

AP or Chris Johnson. Depends on your league's point system of course, but since most favor RBs you'd be idiotic to pick anything but. Tom Brady or Vick are good if your league favors QBs.

Would love in! Email's bmc811 at if that's what you need for registration.