
Don't worry bout it mate. I Empire is definitely the weakest of their three albums, but I still found it enjoyable. Start the Machine is their band documentary that came out accompanying I Empire. Pretty interesting as Tom talks about why blink broke up and everything. LOVE is their new movie coming out but it's a

I have a PSP Go, but I can't use it currently because of reasons better left unsaid. Look, I don't have an issue with multiple gadgets (buying a Vita whenever it releases) but I would rather have my music on my phone because I do a ton of in car listening. Plus, the issue isn't memory space on my phone (I have like

Yeah, Pandora's really more of an Internet radio station then a music streaming service, so it's not really what I'm looking for. What I would love is a version of the Zune Pass for Android, but of course that's never going to happen. Thanks for the advice though.

That's what they basically said in the interview. I kind of ignored it because I've never been a big fan of solely instrumental (being a vocalist myself doesn't help that) but I'll really have to check these guys out. Thanks!

Ugh, Grooveshark. Grooveshark's decent when you want singles, but I prefer to listen to entire albums, which is definitely not Grooveshark's thing (with the million and one multiple uploads of songs).

That's the thing. My own MP3 collection is rather lacking and I don't believe in pirating. I'm fine with paying $10 a month to listen to whatever I want- it's better then spending $50 a month on CDs, which is what I would end up doing without an unlimited service.

Just replied to your comment from Friday. Doing fine here in NC thanks to preparing well, but I was afraid the North was going to get nailed. Best of luck man

Read about this band recently in Relevant magazine. They're mainly instrumental correct?

Thanks man. Yeah, we were prepared, so the damage wasn't too bad. Yard and the roads are a mess, and a few of my friends still don't have power. Fortunately it weakened at the last minute, so we dodged a bullet.

Off topic, but I really need an answer (and off topic threads seem to have gone the way of the dodo). Anyone know a good unlimited music service for Android? I've had MOG for the past six months, but the mobile app fails. I'm trying Rdio right now but the offline syncing is refusing to work with my phone. I've also

Everyone please keep the East Coast in your prayers/thoughts. We're already feeling the storm here (Wilmington, NC) and it's only supposed to get worse. Most of the town is under sea level as well so there's a fair amount of panic. We'll make it through, but I would not be surprised if there was some major damage.

If by pants you mean bad, no, definitely not. Resistance 1 holds up pretty well when you realize the year it's from (2006), 2 is more of a modern FPS, and 3 looks to be mixing the two, which is fantastic news. Killzone 2 did a number of things right, and once you tweak the controls (I recommend Alt 2) it becomes one

Infamous, Uncharted, Resistance, Killzone, R&C. All 5 of these are the main reasons to own a PS3. Fantastic games. PSN exclusive wise I'd recommend Dead Nation, Wipeout, and Payday when it comes out. I'm missing plenty but there's a good list to start you out with.

This is going to sound idiotic, but did you use to post here under a different name?

Try the Freedom Unite demo from PSN- it's fairly lengthy so you'll have a good idea if MH is your type of game or not. No clue about Vita memory capacity, but didn't the PSP have 64GB cards?

Now playing

High school's started anew :/. Fortunately I'm a senior so the workload and such aren't too bad. Hopefully I'll have time to see these guys next month when they play in my town (video please work). And I'm looking for some new people to game with on PS3. My tag's bmc811 and I have most of the major MP games released

Skyrim, Rage, and BF3 are all day one (and maybe midnight release). I want to get Resistance 3, El Shaddai, Deus Ex, Uncharted 3, and Skyward Sword at some point, but they're all going to have to wait :(.

You can hook Dualshock 3s up to most Android phones now, plus good emulators allow buttons to be mapped to hardware keys.

Already have a Go (replaced my 1000) and I'm getting a Vita. I was just wondering if it was possible.

Already have a Go and getting a Vita. Just asking out of curiosity.